SPREAD for WPF 3.0J - GcSpreadGrid
CellType プロパティ (Column)

GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadGrid 名前空間 > Column クラス : CellType プロパティ
Public Property CellType As CellTypeBase
public CellTypeBase CellType {get; set;}


セル型を示す CellTypeBase。null 参照 (Visual Basicでは Nothing) は値が親から継承されることを意味します。既定値は null 参照 (Visual Basicでは Nothing) です。
次のサンプルは GcSpreadGrid をデータソースに連結し「City」列に ComboBoxCellType を設定します。
List<Employee> list = new List<Employee>();
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Nancy", City = "Tokyo", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 30, IsMale = false });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Janet", City = "Sendai", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 20, IsMale = true });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Rose", City = "Tokyo", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 40, IsMale = false });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Buchanan", City = "Osaka", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 20, IsMale = true });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Leverling", City = "Tokyo", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 30, IsMale = false });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Gavin", City = "Nagoya", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 40, IsMale = true });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Apple", City = "Osaka", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 20, IsMale = false });
list.Add(new Employee() { Name = "Tim", City = "Nara", Phone = "000-88888888", Age = 30, IsMale = true });

gcSpreadGrid1.ItemsSource = list;

string[] cities = { "Tokyo", "Sendai", "Osaka", "Nagoya", "Nara" };
ComboBoxCellType cellType = new ComboBoxCellType();
cellType.ItemsSource = cities;
gcSpreadGrid1.Columns["City"].CellType = cellType;
Dim list As New List(Of Employee)()
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Nancy", _
.City = "Tokyo", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 30, _
.IsMale = False _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Janet", _
.City = "Sendai", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 20, _
.IsMale = True _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Rose", _
.City = "Tokyo", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 40, _
.IsMale = False _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Buchanan", _
.City = "Osaka", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 20, _
.IsMale = True _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Leverling", _
.City = "Tokyo", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 30, _
.IsMale = False _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Gavin", _
.City = "Nagoya", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 40, _
.IsMale = True _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Apple", _
.City = "Osaka", _
.Phone = "000-88888888", _
.Age = 20, _
.IsMale = False _
list.Add(New Employee() With { _
.Name = "Tim", _
.City = "Nara", _
.Phone = "010-88888888", _
.Age = 30, _
.IsMale = True _

gcSpreadGrid1.ItemsSource = list

Dim cities As String() = {"Tokyo", "Sendai", "Osaka", "Nagoya", "Nara"}
Dim cellType As New ComboBoxCellType()
cellType.ItemsSource = cities
gcSpreadGrid1.Columns("City").CellType = cellType

Column クラス
Column メンバ