constructor(element: any, options?: any): TreeView
Initializes a new instance of the TreeView class.
The DOM element that hosts the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
The JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether users can drag and drop nodes within the TreeView.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
Gets or sets a value that determines if sibling nodes should be collapsed when a node is expanded.
The default value for this property is **true**, because in most cases collapsing nodes that are not in use helps keep the UI clean.
The array returned includes only items that have no children. This is because checkboxes in parent items are used to check or uncheck the child items.
See also the showCheckboxes property and the checkedItemsChanged event.
For example:
```typescript import { TreeView } from '@grapecity/wijmo.nav'; var treeViewChk = new TreeView('#gsTreeViewChk', { displayMemberPath: 'header', childItemsPath: 'items', showCheckboxes: true, itemsSource: items, checkedItemsChanged: function (s, e) { var items = s.checkedItems, msg = ''; if (items.length) { msg = '<p><b>Selected Items:</b></p><ol>\r\n'; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { msg += '<li>' + items[i].header + '</li>\r\n'; } msg += '</ol>'; } document.getElementById('gsTreeViewChkStatus').innerHTML = msg; } }); ```
Gets or sets the name of the property (or properties) to bind to the node's checked state.
See also the showCheckboxes property and the checkedItemsChanged event.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to toggle checkboxes when the user clicks the node header.
The default value for this property is **false**, which causes checkboxes to be toggled only when the user clicks the checkbox itself (not the node header).
See also the showCheckboxes property and the checkedItemsChanged event.
The default value for this property is the string **"items"**.
In most cases, the property that contains the child items is the same for all data items on the tree. In these cases, set the childItemsPath to that name.
In some cases, however, items at different levels use different properties to store their child items. For example, you could have a tree with categories, products, and orders. In that case, you would set the childItemsPath to an array such as this:
// categories have products, products have orders:
tree.childItemsPath = [ 'Products', 'Orders' ];
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to collapse expanded nodes when the user clicks the node header.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
When this property is set to **false**, users have to click the expand/collapse icons to collapse the node. Clicking the node header will select the node if it is not selected, and will start editing the node if it is selected (and if the isReadOnly property is set to false).
See also the expandOnClick property.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether nodes should be collapsed when they are disabled.
The default value for this property is the string **"header"**.
In most cases, the property that contains the node text is the same for all data items on the tree. In these cases, set the displayMemberPath to that name.
In some cases, however, items at different levels use different properties to represent them. For example, you could have a tree with categories, products, and orders. In that case, you might set the displayMemberPath to an array such as this:
// categories, products, and orders have different headers:
tree.displayMemberPath = [ 'CategoryName', 'ProductName', 'OrderID' ];
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to expand collapsed nodes when the user clicks the node header.
When this property is set to **false**, users have to click the expand/collapse icons to collapse the node. Clicking the node header will select the node if it is not selected, and will start editing the node if it is selected (and if the isReadOnly property is set to false).
See also the collapseOnClick property.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to automatically expand the first node when the tree is loaded.
The default value for this property is **true**. If you set it to false, all nodes will be initially collapsed.
The default value for this property is an empty string, which means no images are added to the nodes.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use animations when expanding or collapsing nodes.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items are bound to plain text or HTML.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
Gets or sets a value that determines whether users can edit the text in the nodes.
When the isReadOnly property is set to false, users may edit the content of the tree nodes by typing directly into the nodes. The F2 key can also be used to enter edit mode with the whole node content selected.
You may customize the editing behavior using the following methods and events:
**Methods**: startEditing, finishEditing.
**Events**: nodeEditStarting, nodeEditStarted, nodeEditEnding, nodeEditEnded.
Gets or sets the array that contains the TreeView items.
TreeView #see:itemsSource arrays usually have a hierarchical structure with items that contain child items. There is no fixed limit to the depth of the items.
たとえば、次の配列は、それぞれが2つの子ノードを持つ 3つの最上位ノードを含むツリーを生成します。
```typescript import { TreeView } from '@grapecity/wijmo.nav'; var tree = new TreeView('#treeView', { displayMemberPath: 'header', childItemsPath: 'items', itemsSource: [ { header: '1 first', items: [ { header: '1.1 first child' }, { header: '1.2 second child' }, ] }, { header: '2 second', items: [ { header: '3.1 first child' }, { header: '3.2 second child' }, ] }, { header: '3 third', items: [ { header: '3.1 first child' }, { header: '3.2 second child' }, ] } ] }); ```
The lazyLoadFunction takes two parameters: the node being expanded and a callback to be invoked when the data becomes available.
The callback function tells the TreeView that the node loading process has been completed. It should always be called, even if there are errors when loading the data.
For example:
```typescript import { TreeView } from '@grapecity/wijmo.nav'; var treeViewLazyLoad = new TreeView('#treeViewLazyLoad', { displayMemberPath: 'header', childItemsPath: 'items', itemsSource: [ // start with three lazy-loaded nodes { header: 'Lazy Node 1', items: []}, { header: 'Lazy Node 2', items: [] }, { header: 'Lazy Node 3', items: [] } ], lazyLoadFunction: function (node, callback) { setTimeout(function () { // simulate http delay var result = [ // simulate result { header: 'Another lazy node...', items: [] }, { header: 'A non-lazy node without children' }, { header: 'A non-lazy node with child nodes', items: [ { header: 'hello' }, { header: 'world' } ]} ]; callback(result); // return result to control }, 2500); // simulated 2.5 sec http delay } }); ```
Trees with lazy-loaded nodes have some restrictions: their nodes may not have checkboxes (see the showCheckboxes property) and the collapseToLevel method will not expand collapsed nodes that have not been loaded yet.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the TreeView should add checkboxes to nodes and manage their state.
This property can be used only on trees without lazy-loaded nodes (see the lazyLoadFunction property).
See also the checkedItems property and checkedItemsChanged event.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
Gets or sets a value of the **tabindex** attribute associated with the control.
**tabindex** attribute value can be defined statically for a Wijmo control by specifying it on the control's host HTML element. But this value can't be changed later during application lifecycle, because Wijmo controls have complex structure, and the control may need to propagate this attribute value to its internal element to work properly.
Because of this, to read or change control's **tabindex** dynamically, you should do it using this property.
addChildNode(index: number, dataItem: any): TreeNode
Index of the new child node.
Data item used to create the new node.
addEventListener(target: EventTarget, type: string, fn: any, capture?: boolean, passive?: boolean): void
このControl が所有する要素にイベントリスナーを追加します。
コントロールは、アタッチされているリスナーとそのハンドラのリストを保持し、コントロールが破棄されているときにそれらを簡単に削除すること ができます(dispose と removeEventListener メソッドを参照してください)。
デフォルトでは passive パラメータはfalseに設定されています。これはイベントハンドラが event.preventDefault() を呼び出すことを意味します。タッチイベントまたはマウスホイールイベントにpassiveハンドラを追加する場合は、このパラメータをtrueに設定するとアプリケーションのパフォーマンスが向上します。
passive イベントリスナーの詳細については、「<a target="_blank" href="">Improving scrolling performance with passive listeners</a>」を参考してください。
Target element for the event.
String that specifies the event.
Function to execute when the event occurs.
Whether the listener should be handled by the control before it is handled by the target element.
Indicates that the handler will never call preventDefault().
applyTemplate(classNames: string, template: string, parts: Object, namePart?: string): HTMLElement
以下のサンプルコードは、InputNumber コントロールのインスタンスにテンプレートを適用します。 このテンプレートには、'wj-part'属性が'input'、'btn-inc'、および'btn-dec'に設定された要素を含める必要があります。 コントロールのメンバである'_tbx'、'_btnUp'、'_btnDn'には、これらの要素への参照が割り当てられます。
```typescript this.applyTemplate('wj-control wj-inputnumber', templateString, { _tbx: 'input', _btnUp: 'btn-inc', _btnDn: 'btn-dec' }, 'input'); ``````
Names of classes to add to the control's host element.
An HTML string that defines the control template.
A dictionary of part variables and their names.
Name of the part to be named after the host element. This determines how the control submits data when used in forms.
checkAllItems(check: boolean): void
Whether to check or uncheck all checkboxes.
collapseToLevel(level: number): void
This method will typically expand or collapse multiple nodes at once. But it will not perform lazy-loading on any nodes, so collapsed nodes that must be lazy-loaded will not be expanded.
Maximum node level to show.
deferUpdate(fn: Function): void
この関数の実行が完了するまでコントロールは更新されません。 このメソッドは、関数が例外を生成した場合でもendUpdate が呼び出されるようにします。
Function to be executed.
dispose(): void
dispose メソッドは、addEventListener メソッドによって追加されたイベントリスナーを自動的に削除します。
コントロールを動的に作成および削除するアプリケーションでは、dispose メソッドを呼び出すことが重要です。コントロールを破棄しないと、メモリリークが発生する可能があります。
disposeAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Container element.
finishEditing(cancel?: boolean): boolean
Whether pending edits should be canceled or committed.
getControl(element: any): Control
The DOM element that hosts the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
getFirstNode(visible?: boolean, enabled?: boolean): TreeNode
Whether to return only visible nodes (whose ancestors are not collapsed).
Whether to return only enabled nodes (whose ancestors are not disabled).
getLastNode(visible?: boolean, enabled?: boolean): TreeNode
Whether to return only visible nodes (whose ancestors are not collapsed).
Whether to return only enabled nodes (whose ancestors are not disabled).
getNode(item: any): TreeNode
Gets the TreeNode object representing a given data item.
The data item to look for.
getTemplate(): string
initialize(options: any): void
```typescript grid.initialize({ itemsSource: myList, autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'Code', width: 130 }, { binding: 'name', header: 'Name', width: 60 } ] });
// 以下と同等です。 grid.itemsSource = myList; grid.autoGenerateColumns = false; // など ```
Object that contains the initialization data.
invalidate(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Whether to update the control layout as well as the content.
invalidateAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
loadTree(preserveOutlineState?: boolean): void
Loads the tree using data from the current itemsSource.
Whether to preserve the outline state when loading the tree data. Defaults to false.
onCheckedItemsChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
onDragEnd(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the dragEnd event.
onDragOver(e: TreeNodeDragDropEventArgs): boolean
Raises the dragOver event.
TreeNodeDragDropEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDragStart(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the dragStart event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDrop(e: TreeNodeDragDropEventArgs): boolean
Raises the drop event.
TreeNodeDragDropEventArgs that contains the event data.
onFormatItem(e: FormatNodeEventArgs): void
formatItem イベントを発生させます。
FormatNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onGotFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
gotFocus イベントを発生させます。
onInvalidInput(e: CancelEventArgs): void
invalidInput イベントを発生させます。
onIsCheckedChanged(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): void
Raises the isCheckedChanged event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onIsCheckedChanging(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the isCheckedChanging event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onIsCollapsedChanged(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): void
Raises the isCollapsedChanged event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onIsCollapsedChanging(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the isCollapsedChanging event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onItemClicked(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the itemClicked event.
onItemsSourceChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
itemsSourceChanged イベントを発生させます。
onLoadedItems(e?: EventArgs): void
onLoadingItems(e?: CancelEventArgs): boolean
onLostFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
lostFocus イベントを発生させます。
onNodeEditEnded(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): void
Raises the nodeEditEnded event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onNodeEditEnding(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the nodeEditEnding event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onNodeEditStarted(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): void
Raises the nodeEditStarted event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onNodeEditStarting(e: TreeNodeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the nodeEditStarting event.
TreeNodeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRefreshed(e?: EventArgs): void
onRefreshing(e?: EventArgs): void
onSelectedItemChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the selectedItemChanged event.
refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Indicates whether to update the control layout as well as the content.
refreshAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
コントロールが時間おいて更新される代わりに直ちに更新されること以外はinvalidateAll メソッドと同様です。
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
removeEventListener(target?: EventTarget, type?: string, fn?: any, capture?: boolean): number
このControl が所有する要素にアタッチされている1つまたは複数のイベントリスナーを解除します。
Target element for the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all targets.
String that specifies the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all events.
Handler to remove. If null, removes all handlers.
Whether the listener is capturing. If null, removes capturing and non-capturing listeners.
checkedItems プロパティの値が変化すると発生します。
See also the showCheckboxes and checkOnClick properties.
Occurs while the user drags a node over other nodes on the TreeView.
This event only occurs if the allowDragging property is set to true.
You may prevent drop operations over certain nodes and/or positions by setting the event's **cancel** parameter to true.
This event only occurs if the allowDragging property is set to true.
You may prevent nodes from being dragged by setting the event's **cancel** parameter to true.
The example below uses the **formatItem** event to add a "new" badge to the right of new items on the tree.
```typescript import { TreeView } from '@grapecity/wijmo.nav'; var treeViewFmtItem = new TreeView('#treeViewFmtItem', { displayMemberPath: 'header', childItemsPath: 'items', itemsSource: items, formatItem: function (s, e) { if (e.dataItem.newItem) { e.element.innerHTML += '<img style="margin-left:6px" src="resources/new.png"/>'; } } }); ```
Occurs before the value of the isCollapsed property changes.
This event is typically used in navigation trees. Use the selectedItem property to get the item that was clicked.
The TreeView control displays a hierarchical list of TreeNode objects which may contain text, checkboxes, images, or arbitrary HTML content.
A TreeView is typically used to display the headings in a document, the entries in an index, the files and directories on a disk, or any other kind of information that might usefully be displayed as a hierarchy.
After creating a TreeView, you will typically set the following properties:
The TreeView control supports the following keyboard commands:
The example below builds a simple tree and allows you to see the effect of the TreeView's main properties:
{@sample Nav/TreeView/Behavior/purejs Example}