cancelAsync(done?: ()): void
Callback invoked when the method finishes executing.
fromXlsxFormat(xlsxFormat: string): string[]
The Excel format string, that may contain multiple format sections separated by a semicolon.
load(data: string | ArrayBuffer, includeStyles?: boolean): void
ArrayBuffer、base-64文字列またはデータURLからロードします。このメソッドは、JSZip 2で機能します。
// このサンプルは、[ファイルを開く]ダイアログで選択したxlsxファイルを開き、
// ワークブックインスタンスを作成してそのファイルをロードします。
<input type="file"
// JavaScript
var workbook, // インポートされたIWorkbookを受け取ります
importFile = document.getElementById('importFile');
importFile.addEventListener('change', function () {
function loadWorkbook() {
var reader,
file = importFile.files[0];
if (file) {
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
workbook = new wijmo.xlsx.Workbook(),
ArrayBuffer or base-64 string that contains the xlsx file content.
Indicates whether styles should be imported from xlsx file. The default value is **true**.
loadAsync(data: string | ArrayBuffer, onLoaded?: (workbook: Workbook), onError?: (reason?: any), includeStyles?: boolean): void
ArrayBufferまたはbase-64文字列またはデータURLから非同期にロードします。このメソッドは、JSZip 3で機能します。
ArrayBuffer or base-64 string that contains the xlsx file content.
This callback provides an approach to get an instance of the loaded workbook. Since this method is an asynchronous method, user is not able to get instance of the loaded workbook immediately. User has to get the instance through this callback. This has a single parameter, instance of the loaded workbook. It will be passed to user.
This callback catches error information when loading. This has a single parameter, the failure reason. Return value is be passed to user, if he wants to catch the load failure reason.
For example:
workbook.loadAsync(base64, function (workbook) {
// User can access the loaded workbook instance in this callback.
var app = worksheet.application ;
}, function (reason) {
// User can catch the failure reason in this callback.
console.log('The reason of load failure is ' + reason);
Indicates whether styles should be imported from xlsx file. The default value is **true**.
save(fileName?: string): string
ブックをファイルに保存し、ブックのbase-64文字列表現を返します。 このメソッドはJSZip 2を使用します。
function exportXlsx(fileName) {
var book = new wijmo.xlsx.Workbook(),
sheet = new wijmo.xlsx.WorkSheet(),
bookRow = new wijmo.xlsx.WorkbookRow(),
bookCell = new wijmo.xlsx.WorkbookCell();
bookCell.value = 'Hello, Excel!';
Name of the xlsx file to save.
saveAsync(fileName?: string, onSaved?: (base64?: string), onError?: (reason?: any), onProgress?: (value: number)): void
ブックをxlsxファイルに非同期に保存します。 このメソッドはJSZip 3を使用します。
Name of the xlsx file to save.
This callback provides an approach to get the base-64 string that represents the content of the saved workbook. Since this method is an asynchronous method, user does not get the base-64 string immediately. User has to get the base-64 string via this callback. This has a single parameter, the base-64 string of the saved workbook. It will be passed to user.
This callback catches error information when saving. This has a single parameter, the failure reason. Return value will be passed to user, if he wants to catch the save failure reason.
Callback function that gives feedback about the progress of a task. The function accepts a single argument, the current progress as a number between 0 and 100.
For example:
workbook.saveAsync('', function (base64){
// User can access the base64 string in this callback.
document.getElementByID('export').href = 'data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;' + 'base64,' + base64;
}, function (reason){
// User can catch the failure reason in this callback.
console.log('The reason of save failure is ' + reason);
tableAddress(xlsxIndex: string): ITableAddress
The alphanumeric Excel index that may include alphabetic A-based column index and/or numeric 1-based row index, like "D15", "D" or "15". The alphabetic column index can be in lower or upper case.
toXlsxDateFormat(format: string): string
The wijmo date format.
toXlsxNumberFormat(format: string): string
The wijmo number format.
xlsxAddress(row: number, col: number, absolute?: boolean, absoluteCol?: boolean, isWholeRow?: boolean): string
The zero-based row index or a null value if only column index is to be converted.
The zero-based column index or a null value if only row index is to be converted.
True value indicates that absolute indices is to be returned for both, row and column (like $D$7). The absoluteCol parameter allows to redefine this value for the column index.
True value indicates that column index is absolute.
Indicates whether the Cell reference is whole row, whole column or specific cell range. If isWholeRow is true means the cell reference is whole row. If isWholeRow is false means the cell reference is whole column. If isWholeRow is null means the cell reference is specific cell range.