| 名前 | 解説 |
| Components | Gets the child components. C1.Web.Mvc.Componentから継承されます。 |
| CssClass | Gets or sets the css class of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| CssStyles | Gets the CSS style applied in the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| DisplayMonth | Gets or sets the month displayed in the calendar. |
| FirstDayOfWeek | Gets or sets a value that represents the first day of the week, the one displayed in the first column of the calendar. |
| FormatDayHeaders | Gets or sets the format used to display the headers above the days in month view. |
| FormatDays | Gets or sets the format used to display the days in month view. |
| FormatMonths | Gets or sets the format used to display the months in year view. |
| FormatYear | Gets or sets the format used to display the year above the months in year view. |
| FormatYearMonth | Gets or sets the format used to display the month and year above the calendar in month view. |
| HandleWheel | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can change the current displayMonth using the mouse wheel. |
| Height | Gets or sets the height of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| HtmlAttributes | Gets the HTML attributes. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| Id | Gets or sets the component id. C1.Web.Mvc.Componentから継承されます。 |
| IsDisabled | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can modify the control value using the mouse and keyboard. |
| IsTemplate | Gets or sets a boolean value which indicates whether transfer this control to template mode. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| ItemFormatter | Gets or sets a formatter function to customize dates in the calendar. |
| ItemValidator | Gets or sets the name of a validator javascript function to determine whether dates are valid for selection. |
| Max | Gets or sets the latest date that the user can select in the calendar. |
| Min | Gets or sets the earliest date that the user can select in the calendar. |
| MonthCount | Gets or sets the number of months to display within the calendar. |
| MonthView | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the calendar displays a month or a year. |
| OnClientDisplayMonthChanged | Occurs after the DisplayMonth property changes. |
| OnClientFormatItem | Occurs when an element representing a day in the calendar has been created. |
| OnClientGotFocus | Occurs when the control gets the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| OnClientLostFocus | Occurs when the control loses the focus. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| OnClientRangeChanged | Occurs when the value of the rangeEnd property changes into a non-null value, indicating a data range has been selected. |
| OnClientRangeEndChanged | Occurs when the value of the RangeEnd property changes |
| OnClientRefreshed | Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| OnClientRefreshing | Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| OnClientValueChanged | Occurs after a new date is selected. |
| RangeEnd | Gets or sets the last selected date in a range selection. |
| RangeMax | Gets or sets the maximum length allowed when editing date ranges. |
| RangeMin | Gets or sets the minimum number of days allowed when editing date ranges. |
| RepeatButtons | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the calendar buttons should act as repeat buttons, firing repeatedly as the button remains pressed. |
| SelectionMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users can select days, months, or no values at all. |
| Selector | Gets or sets the selector to macth the dom element(s) which the control is attached to. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| ShowHeader | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control displays the header area with the current month and navigation buttons. |
| ShowMonthPicker | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the calendar should display a list of months when the user clicks the header element on the month calendar. |
| ShowYearPicker | Gets or sets a value that determines whether the calendar should display a list of years when the user clicks the header element on the year calendar. |
| TabOrder | Gets or sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| TemplateBindings | Gets the collection of the template bindings. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| UniqueId | Gets a value which represents the unique id for the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |
| Value | Gets or sets the currently selected date. |
| WeeksAfter | Gets or sets the number of weeks to show on the calendar after the current month. |
| WeeksBefore | Gets or sets the number of weeks to show on the calendar before the current month. |
| Width | Gets or sets the width of the control. C1.Web.Mvc.Controlから継承されます。 |