| 名前 | 解説 |
| ArrowEnd | Gets or sets the arrowhead on the end of the path. The format for string is <type>[-<width>[-<length>]]. Possible types: classic, block, open, oval, diamond, none, width: wide, narrow, medium, length: long, short, medium. |
| ClipRect | Gets or sets the clip area. The format for the text is comma or space separated values: x, y, width and height |
| Cursor | CSS type of the cursor |
| Cx | the x-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse |
| Cy | the y-axis coordinate of the center of the circle, or ellipse |
| Fill | A value that indicates the filled color of the chart style. |
| FillOpacity | A value that indicates the fill opacity of the SVG element. |
| Font | A value that indicates the font of the chart style. |
| FontFamily | A value that indicates the font family of the SVG element. |
| FontSize | A value that indicates the font size of the SVG element. |
| FontWeight | A value that indicates the font weight of the SVG element. |
| Height | A value that indicates the height of the SVG element. |
| Href | A value to indicate the URL, if specified element behaves as hyperlink |
| Opacity | A value to indicate the Opacity. |
| Path | SVG path string format |
| R | Radius of the circle, ellipse or rounded corner on the rect |
| Rx | Horisontal radius of the ellipse |
| Ry | Vertical radius of the ellipse |
| Src | Image URL, only works for Element.image element |
| Stroke | A value that indicates the stroke color. |
| StrokeDasharray | A value that indicates the stroke dasharry, possible values: ["", "-", ".", "-.", "-..", ". ", "- ", "--", "- .", "--.", "--.."] |
| StrokeLinecap | A value that indicates the stroke line cap, possible values: ["butt", "square", "round"] |
| StrokeLinejoin | A value that indicates the stroke line join method, possible values: ["bevel", "round", "miter"] |
| StrokeMiterlimit | A value that indicates the stroke miter limit. |
| StrokeOpacity | A value that indicates the stroke opacity. |
| StrokeWidth | A value that indicates the stroke width. |
| Target | Used with href |
| Text | Contents of the text element. Use \n for multiline text |
| TextAnchor | Possible values: ["start", "middle", "end"], default is "middle" |
| Title | A text value for creating a tooltip. |
| Transform | A string value for SVG element to make a transform action. |
| Width | A value that indicates the width of the chart style. |
| X | A value that indicates the x point of the chart style. |
| Y | A value that indicates the y point of the chart style. |