constructor(element: any, options?: any): FlexGrid
Initializes a new instance of the FlexGrid class.
The DOM element that hosts the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
JavaScript object containing initialization data for the control.
Gets the **HTMLElement** that represents the currently active cell element.
If no cell is currently selected, or if the selected cell is not currently within view, this property returns null.
Gets the **HTMLInputElement** that represents the currently active cell editor.
If no cell is currently being edited, this property returns null.
isReadOnly プロパティがtrueに設定されている場合、新規行テンプレートは表示されません。
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
isReadOnly プロパティがtrueに設定されている場合、選択されている行は削除されません。
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
autoScroll プロパティがtrueに設定されている場合、ユーザーが行または列を新しい位置にドラッグするときにグリッドの内容が自動的にスクロールされます。
グリッドが連結モードでは、行をドラッグするには特別な 考慮が必要になります。
When you drag rows on bound grids, the rows will get out of sync with the data source (row 4 may refer to item 6 for example). To avoid this, you should handle the draggedRow event and synchronize the data with the new row positions.
また、allowSorting プロパティをfalseに設定する必要があります。そうしないと、行の順序がデータによって決定され、行をドラッグするのは無意味になります。
次のフィドルでは、連結グリッドでの行のドラッグを実行していますBound Row Dragging。
The default value for this property is **AllowDragging.Columns** for the FlexGrid control and **AllowDragging.None** for the **PivotGrid** control.
This property does not apply to the **MultiRow** control.
The default value for this property is **AllowMerging.None** for the FlexGrid control and **AllowMerging.All** for the **PivotGrid** control.
This property does not apply to the **MultiRow** control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should add pin buttons to the column headers and how the pin buttons behave.
The pin buttons allow users to pin (freeze) columns so they remain in view as the user scrolls the grid horizontally.
The default value for this property is **AllowPinning.None**.
Users may also double-click the edge of the header cells to automatically resize rows and columns to fit their content. The auto-size behavior can be customized using the autoSizeMode property.
The default value for this property is **AllowSorting.SingleColumn**.
Gets or sets a value that determines the number of regular rows between 'alternating' rows.
The default value for this property is **1** for the FlexGrid. Set it to zero to disable alternating rows, or to a number greater than one to insert multiple regular rows between alternating rows.
The default value for this property is **1** for the FlexGrid control and **0** for the **PivotGrid** control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether extending selections with the mouse or keyboard should change the start (cursor) or the end of the current selection.
The default value for this property is **false**, which causes the grid to move the cursor and keep the selection end anchored.
Setting this property to **true** causes the grid to move the selection end and keep the cursor anchored. This is Excel's behavior.
Only visible rows and columns are included in clipboard operations.
Read-only cells are not affected by paste operations.
グリッドがitemsSource に基づいて行を自動的に生成するかどうかを 決定する値を取得または設定します。
The column generation depends on the itemsSource property containing at least one item. This data item is inspected and a column is created and bound to each property that contains a primitive value (number, string, Boolean, or Date).
Properties set to null do not generate columns, because the grid would have no way of guessing the appropriate type. In this type of scenario, you should set the autoGenerateColumns property to false and create the columns explicitly. For example:
```typescript import { FlexGrid } from '@grapecity/wijmo.grid'; let grid = new FlexGrid('#theGrid', { autoGenerateColumns: false, // データ項目にnull値が含まれる場合があります columns: [ // そのため、列を明示的に定義します { binding: 'name', header: 'Name', dataType: 'String' }, { binding: 'amount', header: 'Amount', dataType: 'Number' }, { binding: 'date', header: 'Date', dataType: 'Date' }, { binding: 'active', header: 'Active', dataType: 'Boolean' } ], itemsSource: customers }); ```
The default value for this property is **true** for the FlexGrid control and **false** for the **PivotGrid** control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should automatically resize the rows when the data or grid layout change.
This property is especially useful when the grid has columns configured to word-wrap their content (see wordWrap), and when the grid has a relatively small number of rows (auto-sizing is an expensive operation).
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
行と列のドラッグは、allowDragging プロパティによって制御されます。
See also the caseSensitiveSearch property.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
By default, the grid will automatically set the column width based on the content of the header and data cells in the column. This property allows you to change that to include only the headers or only the data.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the checkboxes used to edit boolean columns should extend to cover the whole cell width.
Big checkboxes are easier to toggle with the mouse, since the user may click anywhere in the cell to toggle them.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
左下のセルを含むGridPanel を取得します。
bottomLeftCells パネルは、行ヘッダの下、columnFooters パネルの左に表示されます。
The searches include searching for regular text (see the autoSearch property) as well as searching for items while editing data-mapped cells (see the dataMap property).
The default value for this property is **false** (searches are not case-sensitive by default).
このプロパティには、項目の子項目を含むプロパティの名前を指定する文字列を設定します(たとえば、childItemsPath = 'items';
項目の異なるレベルに異なる名前を持つ子項目がある場合は、このプロパティに、各レベルの子項目を含むプロパティの名前から成る配列を設定します。(たとえば、childItemsPath = ['checks','earnings'];
{@sample Grid/TreeGrid/ChildItems/purejs デモ}
This property does not apply to the **MultiRow** control.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the FlexGrid should clone frozen cells and show then in a separate element to reduce flicker while scrolling.
グリッドのデータを含むICollectionView を取得します。
If the itemsSource property was set to an ICollectionView, this property returns that value.
If the itemsSource property was set to an array of data items, this property returns the internal CollectionView created by the grid to support currency, editing, and sorting.
Gets or sets an array used to define hierarchical column groups.
The items in the array should be JSON objects with properties of Column objects, plus three optional members:
* 'columns' array containing an array of child columns, * 'collapseTo' string containing the binding of the child column that should remain visible when the group is collapsed. * 'isCollapsed' boolean that determines if the group should be initially collapsed.
For example, the code below generates a grid with two column groups, both initially collapsed:
```typescript new FlexGrid('#theGrid', { autoGenerateColumns: false, columnGroups: [ { header: 'Group 1', align: 'center', collapseTo: 'country', isCollapsed: true, columns: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'ID' }, { binding: 'date', header: 'Date', dataType: 'Date' }, { binding: 'country', header: 'Country', dataType: 'String' }, { binding: 'active', header: 'Active', dataType: 'Boolean' }, ]}, { header: 'Group 2', align: 'center', collapseTo: 'sales', isCollapsed: true, columns: [ { binding: 'sales', header: 'Sales', dataType: 'Number' }, { binding: 'expenses', header: 'Expenses', dataType: 'Number' }, ]} ], itemsSource: getData(20) }); ```
The column layout string represents an array with the columns and their properties. It can be used to persist column layouts defined by users so they are preserved across sessions, and can also be used to implement undo/redo functionality in applications that allow users to modify the column layout.
The column layout string does not include properties that cannot be converted to JSON, such as dataMap and editor.
If you want to save and restore column layouts and don't require the layouts to be serializable, you can clone the content of the columns property and restore it later using array methods. This is not as convenient as using the columnLayout property, but it does allow you to save and restore data maps and editors.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should include the content of header cells when copying data to the clipboard.
This property is especially useful in read-only grids, because the header information typically should not be included when pasting data into the grid.
The default value for this property is **HeadersVisibility.None** for the FlexGrid control and **HeadersVisibility.All** for the **PivotGrid** control.
Gets a reference to a static object that defines the default width for auto-generated grid columns based on their types.
The object keys are DataType values. The object values are either numbers (widths in pixels) or star-size strings (multiples of the default width defined by the columns defaultSize property).
For example:
```typescript import { FlexGrid } from '@grapecity/wijmo.grid'; import { DataType } from '@grapecity/wijmo';
// make boolean columns on all grids 100px wide by default FlexGrid.defaultTypeWidth[DataType.Boolean] = 100;
// make numeric columns on all grids 75% as wide as the columns defaultSize FlexGrid.defaultTypeWidth[DataType.Number] = '0.75*'; ```
By default, deferResizing is set to false, causing rows and columns to be resized as the user drags the mouse. Setting this property to true causes the grid to show a resizing marker and to resize the row or column only when the user releases the mouse button.
The default value for this property is **false** for the FlexGrid control and **true** for the **PivotGrid** control.
Gets the IEditableCollectionView that contains the grid data.
Gets or sets the index of column in the row header panel that shows whether items are being edited.
The default value for this property is **null**, which causes the grid to show the edit glyph on the last column of the rowHeaders panel.
Gets or sets the Tooltip object used to show validation errors detected by the grid when the showErrors property is set to true.
By default, this property is set to a tooltip with zero show delay (so it appears immediately when hovering over invalid cells), no HTML content, and a "wj-error-tip" class which can be used to customize the tooltip's appearance.
Setting this property to **null** causes the control to use the cell's "title" attribute to show validation errors.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should automatically expand the selection to include cells in merged ranges when copying or pasting content to/from the clipboard.
Gets or sets the format string used to create the group header content.
If a column is bound to the grouping property, the column header is used to replace the {name}
parameter, and the column's format and data maps are used to calculate the {value}
parameter. If no column is available, the group information is used instead.
The default value for this property is **null**, which causes the grid to use a culture-specific version of the string ```typescript '{name}: <b>{value}</b>({count:n0} items)' ```
This default format string creates group headers similar to
```typescript 'Country: <b>UK</b> (12 items)' 'Country: <b>Japan</b> (8 items)' ```
The default value for this property is **HeadersVisibility.All**.
編集モードでないときに、グリッドがIME(Input Method Editor)をサポートするかどうかを決定する値を取得または設定します。
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
The default value for this property is **false** for the FlexGrid control and **true** for the **PivotGrid** control.
The formatter function can add any content to any cell. It provides complete flexibility over the appearance and behavior of grid cells.
If specified, the function should take four parameters: the GridPanel that contains the cell, the row and column indices of the cell, and the HTML element that represents the cell. The function will typically change the **innerHTML** property of the cell element.
For example: ```typescript flex.itemFormatter = (panel, r, c, cell) => { if (panel.cellType == CellType.Cell) {
// draw sparklines in the cell let col = panel.columns[c]; if ( == 'sparklines') { cell.innerHTML = getSparkline(panel, r, c); } } } ```
Note that the FlexGrid recycles cells, so if your itemFormatter modifies the cell's style attributes, you must make sure that it resets these attributes for cells that should not have them. For example: ```typescript flex.itemFormatter = (panel, r, c, cell) => {
// reset attributes we are about to customize let s =; s.color = ''; s.backgroundColor = ''; // customize color and backgroundColor attributes for this cell ... } ```
If you have a scenario where multiple clients may want to customize the grid rendering (for example when creating directives or re-usable libraries), consider using the formatItem event instead. The event allows multiple clients to attach their own handlers.
If specified, the validator function should take parameters containing the cell's row and column indices and a parsing parameter that describes whether the data has already been parsed and applied to the data item (parsing == false), or whether the user was trying to edit the value and entered a value that could not be parsed into the data type expected (parsing == true).
```typescript grid.itemValidator = (row: number, col: number, parsing: boolean) => { let item = grid.rows[row].dataItem, prop = grid.columns[col].binding;
// parsing failed, show message if (parsing) { if (prop == 'date') { return 'Please enter a valid date in the format "MM/dd/yyyy"'; } else if (prop == 'id') { return 'Please enter a positive number'; } }
// check that stored (parsed) data is valid if (prop == 'date' && < minDate) { return 'Please enter a date after ' + Globalize.formatDate(minDate, 'd'); } else if (prop == 'id' && < 0) { return 'Please enter a positive number'; } }); ```</>>
See also the getError method.
The default setting for this property is MoveDown, which causes the control to move the selection to the next row. This is the standard Excel behavior.
The default setting for this property is None, which causes the browser to select the next or previous controls on the page when the TAB key is pressed. This is the recommended setting to improve page accessibility.
In previous versions, the default was set to Cycle, which caused the control to move the selection across and down the grid. This is the standard Excel behavior, but is not good for accessibility.
There is also a CycleOut setting that causes the selection to move through the cells (as Cycle), and then on to the next/previous control on the page when the last or first cells are selected.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should skip rendering cells that were updated in the last render cycle.
Gets or sets the MergeManager object responsible for determining how cells should be merged.
If you set the newRowAtTop property to true, and you want the new row template to remain visible at all times, set the frozenRows property to one. This will freeze the new row template at the top so it won't scroll off the view.
The new row template will be displayed only if the allowAddNew property is set to true and if the itemsSource object supports adding new items.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
The preserveOutlineState property implementation is based on JavaScript's Map object, which is not available in IE 9 or 10.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should keep whitespace in cells as they appear in the data (white-space: pre)
or whether it should collapse the whitespace into a single space character (white-space: normal)
This property allows you to specify how the grid should handle white space without changing any CSS rules. You choose to use CSS rules instead, however, since they provide better control over scope.
For example, you could create CSS rules that apply to all grids in the application, to specific grids, or to specific columns.
Be aware that setting this property to **true** may have undesired effects in applications that use interop cell templates (Vue templates especially).
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
Setting this property to **false** disables quick auto-sizing. Setting it to **true** enables the feature, subject to the value of each column's quickAutoSize property.
The default value for this property is **null**, which enables quick auto-sizing for grids that don't have a custom itemFormatter or handlers attached to the formatItem event.
Quick auto-sizing uses different strategies when auto-sizing rows or columns.
When auto-sizing columns, it uses a temporary canvas element to locate the row with the widest entry for a column. When the row is located, its contents are measured precisely. The limitation with this approach is that the canvas only renders plain text, so if cells contain HTML the auto-sizing may miss the widest column.
When auto-sizing rows, it uses a cache to store the row heights based on the cell content, and skips measuring numeric cells. The limitation with this approach is that it only improves performance if many cells have the same content, or if many columns are numeric.
If you find that auto-sizing is slowing down your application, it is probably worth setting quickAutoSize to true and checking the results to see if it works correctly and improves performance for your app.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should refresh all cells after a cell is edited.
Row header cells are not visible or selectable. They are meant for use with accessibility tools.
Note: this property can be read in all selection modes, but it can be set only when selectionMode is set to **SelectionMode.ListBox**.
Gets or sets an array with CellRange objects that represent the current selection.
The first element in the array is the current selection. If the grid's selectionMode property is set to MultiRange, the array may contain additional ranges that represent the extended selection.
Note that ranges in the selectedRanges array may contain overlapping areas, which may be important when performing actions like aggregating over the extended selection.
Note: this property can be read in all selection modes, but it can be set only when selectionMode is set to **SelectionMode.ListBox**.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should add drop-down buttons to data-mapped cells.
The drop-down buttons are shown on columns that have a dataMap and are editable.
Clicking on the drop-down buttons causes the grid to show a drop-down list from which users can select the cell value.
This setting may be overridden on specific columns using the column's dataMapEditor property.
Cell drop-downs require the **wijmo.input module** to be loaded.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should add the 'wj-state-invalid' class to cells that contain validation errors and tooltips with error descriptions.
The grid detects validation errors using the itemValidator property and the getError property on the grid's itemsSource.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the FlexGrid should insert group rows to delimit data groups.
データグループを作成するには、itemsSource として使用されるICollectionView オブジェクトのgroupDescriptions プロパティを変更します。
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid should display an Excel-style marquee around the current selection.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
If you choose to show the marquee, you may want to improve accessibility by using some simple CSS to make the marquee fully opaque only when the grid has the focus:
```css .wj-flexgrid:not(.wj-state-focused) .wj-marquee { opacity: 0.2; } ```
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the grid should use the column headers as placeholders when editing cells.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
This property is especially useful in grids that have multiple rows per data item (like the MultiRow grid) and in grids that allow adding new items (see the allowAddNew property).
This property only works with the grid's built-in editor. If you are using custom editors (see the editor property), then you are responsible for setting the placeholder property on those.
The Internet Explorer browser does not show input placeholders on focused input elements, so this property is not useful in IE.
The default value for this property is **HeadersVisibility.None**.
グリッドで、列ヘッダーにソートインジケータを 表示するかどうかを決定する値を取得または設定します。
Sorting is controlled by the sortDescriptions property of the ICollectionView object used as a the grid's itemsSource.
The default value for this property is **null**, which causes the bottom row in the columnHeaders panel to act as the sort row.
このプロパティのデフォルト値は **false**です。
Gets or sets a value of the **tabindex** attribute associated with the control.
**tabindex** attribute value can be defined statically for a Wijmo control by specifying it on the control's host HTML element. But this value can't be changed later during application lifecycle, because Wijmo controls have complex structure, and the control may need to propagate this attribute value to its internal element to work properly.
Because of this, to read or change control's **tabindex** dynamically, you should do it using this property.
Gets the GridPanel that contains the top left cells (to the left of the column headers).
The default value for this property is **14** pixels for the FlexGrid control, and **32** pixels for the **PivotGrid**.
The grid detects validation errors by calling the getError method on the grid's itemsSource.
This property is set to zero by default, meaning virtualization is always enabled. This improves binding performance and memory requirements, at the expense of a small performance decrease while scrolling.
If your grid has a small number of rows (about 50 to 100), you may be able to improve scrolling performance by setting this property to a slightly higher value (like 150). This will disable virtualization and will slow down binding, but may improve perceived scroll performance. For example, the code below sets causes the grid to virtualize cells when the data source has more than 150 items:
```typescript // virtualize grid when there are more than 150 items theGrid.virtualizationThreshold = 150; ```
Setting this property to values higher than 200 is not recommended. Loading times will become too long; the grid will freeze for a few seconds while creating cells for all rows, and the browser will become slow because of the large number of elements on the page.
If you want to set separate virtualization thresholds for rows and columns, you may set the virtualizationThreshold property to an array with two numbers. In this case, the first number will be used as the row threshold and the second as the column threshold. For example, the code below sets causes the grid to virtualize rows but not columns:
```typescript // virtualize rows (threshold 0) but not columns (threshold 10,000) theGrid.virtualizationThreshold = [0, 10000]; ```
The default value for this property is **0**, which causes the grid to virtualize all rows and columns.
addEventListener(target: EventTarget, type: string, fn: any, capture?: boolean, passive?: boolean): void
このControl が所有する要素にイベントリスナーを追加します。
コントロールは、アタッチされているリスナーとそのハンドラのリストを保持し、コントロールが破棄されているときにそれらを簡単に削除すること ができます(dispose と removeEventListener メソッドを参照してください)。
デフォルトでは passive パラメータはfalseに設定されています。これはイベントハンドラが event.preventDefault() を呼び出すことを意味します。タッチイベントまたはマウスホイールイベントにpassiveハンドラを追加する場合は、このパラメータをtrueに設定するとアプリケーションのパフォーマンスが向上します。
passive イベントリスナーの詳細については、「<a target="_blank" href="">Improving scrolling performance with passive listeners</a>」を参考してください。
Target element for the event.
String that specifies the event.
Function to execute when the event occurs.
Whether the listener should be handled by the control before it is handled by the target element.
Indicates that the handler will never call preventDefault().
applyTemplate(classNames: string, template: string, parts: Object, namePart?: string): HTMLElement
以下のサンプルコードは、InputNumber コントロールのインスタンスにテンプレートを適用します。 このテンプレートには、'wj-part'属性が'input'、'btn-inc'、および'btn-dec'に設定された要素を含める必要があります。 コントロールのメンバである'_tbx'、'_btnUp'、'_btnDn'には、これらの要素への参照が割り当てられます。
```typescript this.applyTemplate('wj-control wj-inputnumber', templateString, { _tbx: 'input', _btnUp: 'btn-inc', _btnDn: 'btn-dec' }, 'input'); ``````
Names of classes to add to the control's host element.
An HTML string that defines the control template.
A dictionary of part variables and their names.
Name of the part to be named after the host element. This determines how the control submits data when used in forms.
autoSizeColumn(c: number, header?: boolean, extra?: number): void
This method only works if the grid is visible. If its host element has not been added to the DOM, or if any of the grid's ancestor elements is hidden, the grid will not be able to measure the cells and therefore will not be able to auto-size the columns.
Index of the column to resize.
Whether the column index refers to a regular or a header row.
Extra spacing, in pixels.
autoSizeColumns(firstColumn?: number, lastColumn?: number, header?: boolean, extra?: number): void
The grid will always measure all rows in the current view range, plus up to 2,000 rows not currently in view. If the grid contains a large amount of data (say 50,000 rows), then not all rows will be measured since that could take a long time.
This method only works if the grid is visible. If its host element has not been added to the DOM, or if any of the grid's ancestor elements is hidden, the grid will not be able to measure the cells and therefore will not be able to auto-size the columns.
Index of the first column to resize (defaults to the first column).
Index of the last column to resize (defaults to the last column).
Whether the column indices refer to regular or header columns.
Extra spacing, in pixels.
autoSizeRow(r: number, header?: boolean, extra?: number): void
This method only works if the grid is visible. If its host element has not been added to the DOM, or if any of the grid's ancestor elements are hidden, the grid will not be able to measure the cells and therefore will not be able to auto-size the rows.
Index of the row to resize.
True to indicate the row index refers to a header row, false to indicate it refers to a regular data row, or null to indicate it refers to a footer row.
Extra spacing, in pixels.
autoSizeRows(firstRow?: number, lastRow?: number, header?: boolean, extra?: number): void
This method only works if the grid is visible. If its host element has not been added to the DOM, or if any of the grid's ancestor elements is hidden, the grid will not be able to measure the cells and therefore will not be able to auto-size the rows.
Index of the first row to resize.
Index of the last row to resize.
Whether the row indices refer to regular or header rows.
Extra spacing, in pixels.
canEditCell(r: number, c: number): boolean
Index of the row that contains the cell.
Index of the column that contains the cell.
collapseGroupsToLevel(level: number): void
Maximum group level to show.
deferUpdate(fn: Function): void
この関数の実行が完了するまでコントロールは更新されません。 このメソッドは、関数が例外を生成した場合でもendUpdate が呼び出されるようにします。
Function to be executed.
dispose(): void
disposeAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Container element.
finishEditing(cancel?: boolean): boolean
Whether pending edits should be canceled or committed.
focus(force?: boolean): void
Overridden to set the focus to the grid without scrolling the whole grid into view.
Whether to perform the focus operation even if the grid already contains the focus.
getCellBoundingRect(r: number, c: number | string, raw?: boolean): Rect
This method returns the bounds of cells in the cells panel (scrollable data cells). To get the bounds of cells in other panels, use the getCellBoundingRect method in the appropriate GridPanel object.
The returned value is a Rect object which contains the position and dimensions of the cell in viewport coordinates. The viewport coordinates are the same used by the getBoundingClientRect method.
Index of the row that contains the cell.
Index, name, or binding of the column that contains the cell.
Whether to return the rectangle in raw panel coordinates as opposed to viewport coordinates.
getCellData(r: number, c: number | string, formatted: boolean): any
Index of the row that contains the cell.
Index, name, or binding of the column that contains the cell.
Whether to format the value for display.
getClipString(rng?: CellRange | null, options?: boolean | ClipStringOptions, colHeaders?: boolean, rowHeaders?: boolean): string
Gets the content of a CellRange as a string suitable for copying to the clipboard or exporting to CSV (comma-separated values) files.
Invalid (with negative indexes) row or column ranges can be specified in CellRange, which indicates that data rows or columns are not included in the result. In conjunction with **colHeaders** or **rowHeaders** parameters set to true, this makes it possible to export colum or row headers only, without the corresponding data cells.
CellRange to copy. If omitted, the current selection is used.
A boolean value that specifies the clip string should be a CSV string or a ClipStringOptions value that specifies options for the clip string.
Whether to include the column headers.
Whether to include the row headers.
To export the current selection, set the **rng** parameter to null. This will include not only the primary selection but also extended selections such as selected rows (in ListBox mode) and multiple selected ranges (in MultiRange mode).
Note that multiple selected ranges are included only if all selected ranges refer to the same column range or row range.
getColumn(name: string | number, header?: boolean): Column
Gets a column by name or by binding.
このメソッドは、名前で列を検索します。指定された名前を持つ列が見つからない場合は、 バインディングによって検索します。検索では大文字と小文字が区別されます。
The column name, binding, or index.
Whether to include column groups in search.
getColumnGroups(): ColumnGroupCollection
Get the collection of column groups.
getControl(element: any): Control
The DOM element that hosts the control, or a CSS selector for the host element (e.g. '#theCtrl').
getMergedRange(p: GridPanel, r: number, c: number, clip?: boolean): CellRange
The GridPanel that contains the range.
Index of the row that contains the cell.
Index of the column that contains the cell.
Whether to clip the merged range to the grid's current view range.
getSelectedState(r: number, c: number): SelectedState
セルの選択状態を示すSelectedState 値を取得します。
getTemplate(): string
hitTest(pt: Point | MouseEvent | HTMLElement, y?: number | boolean): HitTestInfo
Gets a HitTestInfo object with information about a given point.
For example:
```typescript // hit test a point when the user clicks on the grid flex.hostElement.addEventListener('click', (e) => { let ht = flex.hitTest(e.pageX, e.pageY); console.log('you clicked a cell of type "' + wijmo.grid.CellType[ht.cellType] + '".'); }); ```
Point to investigate, in page coordinates, or a MouseEvent object, or x coordinate of the point.
Y coordinate of the point in page coordinates (if the first parameter is a number).
initialize(options: any): void
```typescript grid.initialize({ itemsSource: myList, autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { binding: 'id', header: 'Code', width: 130 }, { binding: 'name', header: 'Name', width: 60 } ] });
// 以下と同等です。 grid.itemsSource = myList; grid.autoGenerateColumns = false; // など ```
Object that contains the initialization data.
invalidate(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Whether to update the control layout as well as the content.
invalidateAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
isRangeValid(rng: CellRange): boolean
Range to check.
onAutoSizedColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the autoSizedColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onAutoSizedRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the autoSizedRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onAutoSizingColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the autoSizingColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onAutoSizingRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the autoSizingRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onBeginningEdit(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the beginningEdit event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onCellEditEnded(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the cellEditEnded event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onCellEditEnding(e: CellEditEndingEventArgs): boolean
Raises the cellEditEnding event.
CellEditEndingEventArgs that contains the event data.
onColumnGroupCollapsedChanged(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the columnGroupCollapsedChanged event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onColumnGroupCollapsedChanging(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the columnGroupCollapsedChanging event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onCopied(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the copied event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onCopying(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the copying event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDeletedRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the deletedRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDeletingRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the deletingRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggedColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the draggedColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggedRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the draggedRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggingColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the draggingColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggingColumnOver(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the draggingColumnOver event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggingRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the draggingRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onDraggingRowOver(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the draggingRowOver event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onFormatItem(e: FormatItemEventArgs): void
formatItem イベントを発生させます。
FormatItemEventArgs that contains the event data.
onGotFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
gotFocus イベントを発生させます。
onGroupCollapsedChanged(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the groupCollapsedChanged event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onGroupCollapsedChanging(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the groupCollapsedChanging event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onInvalidInput(e: CancelEventArgs): void
invalidInput イベントを発生させます。
onItemsSourceChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
itemsSourceChanged イベントを発生させます。
onItemsSourceChanging(e: CancelEventArgs): boolean
itemsSourceChanging イベントを発生させます。
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
onLoadedRows(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the loadedRows event.
onLoadingRows(e: CancelEventArgs): boolean
Raises the loadingRows event.
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
onLostFocus(e?: EventArgs): void
lostFocus イベントを発生させます。
onPasted(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the pasted event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPastedCell(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the pastedCell event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPasting(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the pasting event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPastingCell(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the pastingCell event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPinnedColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the pinnedColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPinningColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the pinningColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onPrepareCellForEdit(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the prepareCellForEdit event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRefreshed(e?: EventArgs): void
onRefreshing(e?: EventArgs): void
onResizedColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the resizedColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onResizedRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the resizedRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onResizingColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the resizingColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onResizingRow(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the resizingRow event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRowAdded(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the rowAdded event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRowEditEnded(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the rowEditEnded event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRowEditEnding(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the rowEditEnding event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRowEditStarted(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the rowEditStarted event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onRowEditStarting(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the rowEditStarting event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onScrollPositionChanged(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the scrollPositionChanged event.
onSelectionChanged(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
selectionChanged イベントを発生させます。
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onSelectionChanging(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the selectionChanging event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onSortedColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): void
Raises the sortedColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onSortingColumn(e: CellRangeEventArgs): boolean
Raises the sortingColumn event.
CellRangeEventArgs that contains the event data.
onStarSizedColumns(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the starSizedColumns event.
onUpdatedLayout(e?: EventArgs): void
Raises the updatedLayout event.
onUpdatedView(e?: EventArgs): void
updatedView イベントを発生させます。
onUpdatingLayout(e: CancelEventArgs): boolean
Raises the updatingLayout event.
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
onUpdatingView(e: CancelEventArgs): boolean
updatingView イベントを発生させます。
CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.
refresh(fullUpdate?: boolean): void
Whether to update the grid layout and content, or just the content.
refreshAll(e?: HTMLElement): void
コントロールが時間おいて更新される代わりに直ちに更新されること以外はinvalidateAll メソッドと同様です。
Container element. If set to null, all Wijmo controls on the page will be invalidated.
refreshCells(fullUpdate: boolean, recycle?: boolean, state?: boolean): void
Whether to update the grid layout and content, or just the content.
Whether to recycle existing elements.
Whether to keep existing elements and update their state.
refreshRange(rng: CellRange): void
Refreshes the cells in a range, updating their content and styles.
Unlike the refreshCells method, which updates all the cells, refreshRange allows you to specify which cells should be refreshed, which in some cases can improve performance.
removeEventListener(target?: EventTarget, type?: string, fn?: any, capture?: boolean): number
このControl が所有する要素にアタッチされている1つまたは複数のイベントリスナーを解除します。
Target element for the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all targets.
String that specifies the event. If null, removes listeners attached to all events.
Handler to remove. If null, removes all handlers.
Whether the listener is capturing. If null, removes capturing and non-capturing listeners.
scrollIntoView(r: number, c: number | string, refresh?: boolean): boolean
Negative row and column indices are ignored, so if you call
```typescript grid.scrollIntoView(200, -1); ```
The grid will scroll vertically to show row 200, and will not scroll horizontally.
Index of the row to scroll into view.
Index, name, or binding of the column to scroll into view.
Optional parameter that determines whether the grid should refresh to show the new scroll position immediately.
select(rng: (CellRange | number), show?: (boolean | number | string)): boolean
The select method can be called by passing a CellRange and an optional boolean parameter that indicates whether the new selection should be scrolled into view. For example:
```typescript // select cell 1,1 and scroll it into view CellRange(1, 1), true);
// select range (1,1)-(2,4) and do not scroll it into view CellRange(1, 1, 2, 4), false); ```
You can also call the select method passing the index or the row and column you want to select. In this case, the new selection always scrolls into view. For example:
```typescript // select cell 1,1 and scroll it into view, 1); ```
Range to select (or index of the row to select).
Whether to scroll the new selection into view (or index, name, or binding of the column to select).
selectAll(): void
setCellData(r: number, c: string | number, value: any, coerce?: boolean, invalidate?: boolean): boolean
Index of the row that contains the cell.
Index, name, or binding of the column that contains the cell.
Value to store in the cell.
Whether to change the value automatically to match the column's data type.
Whether to invalidate the grid to show the change.
setClipString(text: string, rng?: CellRange): void
Parses a string into rows and columns and applies the content to a given range.
Tab and newline delimited text to parse into the grid.
CellRange to copy. If omitted, the current selection is used.
startEditing(fullEdit?: boolean, r?: number, c?: number | string, focus?: boolean, evt?: any): boolean
Editing in the FlexGrid is similar to editing in Excel: Pressing F2 or double-clicking a cell puts the grid in **full-edit** mode. In this mode, the cell editor remains active until the user presses Enter, Tab, or Escape, or until he moves the selection with the mouse. In full-edit mode, pressing the cursor keys does not cause the grid to exit edit mode.
Typing text directly into a cell puts the grid in **quick-edit mode**. In this mode, the cell editor remains active until the user presses Enter, Tab, or Escape, or any arrow keys.
Full-edit mode is normally used to make changes to existing values. Quick-edit mode is normally used for entering new data quickly.
Whether to stay in edit mode when the user presses the cursor keys. Defaults to true.
Index of the row to be edited. Defaults to the currently selected row.
Index, name, or binding of the column to be edited. Defaults to the currently selected column.
Whether to give the editor the focus when editing starts. Defaults to true.
Event that triggered this action (usually a keypress or keydown).
toggleDropDownList(): boolean
Toggles the visibility of the drop-down list box associated with the currently selected cell.
The drop-down list is created automatically based on the column's Column.dataMap property.
For example, this code causes the grid to show the drop-down list whenever the grid enters edit mode:
```typescript // show the drop-down list when the grid enters edit mode theGrid.beginningEdit.addHandler(() => { theGrid.toggleDropDownList(); }); ```
This code causes the grid to show the drop-down list when the grid enters edit mode after the user presses the space bar:
```typescript // show the drop-down list when the user presses the space bar theGrid.hostElement.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (e.keyCode == 32) { e.preventDefault(); theGrid.toggleDropDownList(); } }, true); ```
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains a reference to the DOM event that caused the grid to enter edit mode.
The event handler may cancel the edit operation.
You can use this event to perform validation and prevent invalid edits. For example, the code below prevents users from entering values that do not contain the letter 'a'. The code demonstrates how you can obtain the old and new values before the edits are applied.
```typescript function cellEditEnding(flex, e) {
// get old and new values let oldVal = flex.getCellData(e.row, e.col), newVal = flex.activeEditor.value;
// cancel edits if newVal doesn't contain 'a' e.cancel = newVal.indexOf('a') < 0; } ```</>>
Setting the cancel parameter to true causes the grid to discard the edited value and keep the cell's original value.
If you also set the stayInEditMode parameter to true, the grid will remain in edit mode so the user can correct invalid entries before committing the edits.
Occurs after a column group has been expanded or collapsed.
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains a reference to the ColumnGroup that is about to change.
Occurs when a column group is about to be expanded or collapsed.
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains a reference to the ColumnGroup that is about to change.
Occurs after the user has copied the selection content to the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property).
Occurs when the user is copying the selection content to the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property).
Occurs after the user has deleted a row by pressing the Delete key (see the allowDelete property).
Occurs when the user is deleting a selected row by pressing the Delete key (see the allowDelete property).
The handler may cancel the event to prevent users from dropping columns at certain positions. For example:
```typescript // remember column being dragged flex.draggingColumn.addHandler((s, e) => { theColumn = s.columns[e.col].binding; });
// prevent 'sales' column from being dragged to index 0 s.draggingColumnOver.addHandler((s, e) => { if (theColumn == 'sales' && e.col == 0) { e.cancel = true; } }); ```
This event can be used to format cells for display. It is similar in purpose to the itemFormatter property, but has the advantage of allowing multiple independent handlers.
```typescript flex.formatItem.addHandler((flex, e) => { if (flex.rows[e.row] instanceof GroupRow) { wijmo.removeClass(e.cell, 'wj-wrap'); } }); ```
Occurs after the user has pasted content from the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property).
Occurs after the user has pasted content from the clipboard into a cell (see the autoClipboard property).
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains the cell's original value (before the new value was pasted).
Occurs when the user is pasting content from the clipboard by pressing one of the clipboard shortcut keys (see the autoClipboard property).
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains a copy of the text being pasted into the grid.
Occurs when the user is pasting content from the clipboard into a cell (see the autoClipboard property).
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains the text being pasted into the cell.
The event handler can access the editor element using the grid's activeEditor property.
Occurs when the user creates a new item by editing the new row template (see the allowAddNew property).
This event can be used in conjunction with the rowEditStarted event to implement deep-binding edit undos. For example:
```typescript // save deep bound values when editing starts let itemData = {}; s.rowEditStarted.addHandler((s, e) => { let item = s.collectionView.currentEditItem; itemData = {}; s.columns.forEach(function (col) { if (col.binding.indexOf('.') > -1) { // deep binding let binding = new wijmo.Binding(col.binding); itemData[col.binding] = binding.getValue(item); } }) });
// restore deep bound values when edits are canceled s.rowEditEnded.addHandler((s, e) => { if (e.cancel) { // edits were canceled by the user let item = s.collectionView.currentEditItem; for (let k in itemData) { let binding = new wijmo.Binding(k); binding.setValue(item, itemData[k]); } } itemData = {}; }); ```
The 'data' property of the handler parameters contains a reference to the DOM event that caused the sort.
The event handler may cancel the sort action.
The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format.
The FlexGrid control is a full-featured grid, providing all the features you are used to including several selection modes, sorting, column reordering, grouping, filtering, editing, custom cells, XAML-style star-sizing columns, row and column virtualization, etc.
The FlexGrid control supports the following keyboard commands:
{@sample Grid/Overview/purejs Example}