パブリック コンストラクタ
パブリック プロパティ
| 名前 | 解説 |
| DocumentInfo | Gets or sets the DocumentInfo object associated with the document assigned to the current exporter. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| Encoding | Gets or sets the character encoding scheme: ASCII, UTF7, UTF8, or Unicode. The default value is UTF8. |
| ExcelMode | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the target output is for Excel. The default value is true. |
| ExportProvider | オーバーライドされます。 Gets C1.Win.Document.C1SSRSDocumentSource.CsvExportProvider. |
| FieldDelimiter | Gets or sets the delimiter string to put in the result. The default value is a comma ",". |
| FileExtension | Gets or sets the file extension to put on the result. The default value is .CSV. |
| FileName | Gets or sets the name of the output file. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| MultiFile | Gets a value indicating whether multiple files were generated during export. If multiple files were generated, and the UseZipForMultipleFiles property is true, the output (stream or file) will be a zipped archive containing the generated files. The list of actual files can be retrived via OutputFiles property. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| NoHeader | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header row is excluded from the output. The default value is false. |
| OutputFiles | Gets the list of files which were generated by the call to Export(string). Typically exporters produce a single file (e.g. RTF, XLS exporters), but some (like HTML, EMF exporters) may produce several files all of which can be then accessed through this property. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| PageSettings | Gets or sets the C1.Win.Document.C1PageSettings providing exporting content. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| Preview | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the exported document should be opened after exporting it to a disk file. The application used to open the file is determined by the OS shell. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| Qualifier | Gets or sets the qualifier string to put around results that contain the field delimiter or record delimiter. If the results contain the qualifier, the qualifier is repeated. The Qualifier setting must be different from the FieldDelimiter and RecordDelimiter settings. The default value is a quotation mark ("). |
| Range | Gets or sets the range of pages that is to be exported. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| RecordDelimiter | Gets ot sets the record delimiter to put at the end of each record. The default value is <cr><lf>. |
| ShowOptions | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the options dialog should be shown to the user before exporting the document. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| Stream | Gets or sets the output stream. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
| SuppressLineBreaks | Gets or sets value indicating whether line breaks are removed from the data included in the output. The default value is false. If the value is true, the FieldDelimiter, RecordDelimiter, and Qualifier settings cannot be a space character. |
| UseFormattedValues | Gets or sets a value indicating whether formatted strings are put into the CSV output. null indicates default value true when ExcelMode is true; otherwise it is false. |
| UseZipForMultipleFiles | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the output (stream or file) should be a zipped archive with the generated files, if multiple files are created during export. C1.Win.Document.Export.ExportFilterから継承されます。 |
パブリック メソッド