FlexPivot for WinForms
CellRange 構造体

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 : CellRange 構造体
Represents cell ranges, allowing the caller to set properties for multiple cells with a single statement.
オブジェクト モデル
CellRange 構造体
Public Structure CellRange 
   Inherits System.ValueType
public struct CellRange : System.ValueType 

The CellRange structure does not have a public constructor. To create a CellRange object, use the C1FlexGridBase.GetCellRange method.

Note that CellRange is a structure, not a class. This means the object is used as a value, not as a reference. If you pass a CellRange to a method and change the object within that method, the original value is not modified.

Ranges are defined by two rows and two columns (r1, c1, r2, and c2). These values do not have to be in order (r1 may be smaller or greater than r2). To obtain the values in order, use the Normalize method or the TopRow, BottomRow, LeftCol, and RightCol properties.




CellRange メンバ
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間