FlexPivot for WinForms
C1EditorInitialize メソッド

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1FlexGrid 名前空間 > IC1EmbeddedEditor インターフェース : C1EditorInitialize メソッド
Contains the grid data that should be displayed in the editor.
Contains a dictionary with keys that correspond to style element names and values for the cell being edited.
Called to initialize the editor content and styles.
Sub C1EditorInitialize( _
   ByVal value As System.Object, _
   ByVal editorAttributes As System.Collections.IDictionary _
void C1EditorInitialize( 
   System.object value,
   System.Collections.IDictionary editorAttributes


Contains the grid data that should be displayed in the editor.
Contains a dictionary with keys that correspond to style element names and values for the cell being edited.

The editorAttributes dictionary contains the following keys:

BackColor: Cell background color.

ForeColor: Cell foreground color.

Font: Cell font.

Format: Cell format string (e.g. "#,##0.##").

ContentAlignment: Cell text alignment.

Margins: Extra margins around the cell content (in pixels).

Wrap: Whether word wrapping is enabled.


IC1EmbeddedEditor インターフェース
IC1EmbeddedEditor メンバ