MultiSelect for WinForms
AllowPreload プロパティ

C1.Win.C1Input.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Input 名前空間 > C1ComboBox クラス : AllowPreload プロパティ
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether C1ComboBox should preload items into the dropdown form after setting the data source. The default value is false which means that all items will be loaded at first drop-down opening.
Public Property AllowPreload As System.Boolean
public System.bool AllowPreload {get; set;}
Set this value to true if you want to optimize drop-down opening time for a lot of items. Keep default value if you want to optimize form loading time. The C1ComboBox does not support preloading items when the ItemsImageList property is set for C1ComboBox.
If you change these properties, then C1ComboBox will clear the preloaded items: System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeft, ItemMode, HtmlPattern, ItemsDisplayMember, Style, System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.DropDownWidth.

C1ComboBox クラス
C1ComboBox メンバ