| クラス | 解説 |
| ButtonImages | Images for C1DropDownControl buttons |
| ButtonImages.ButtonImagesTypeConverter | TypeConverter class for ButtonImages |
| C1BasePicker | Base class for C1ColorPicker and C1FontPicker controls. |
| C1Button | Represents a Windows button control supporting additional visual styles. |
| C1CheckBox | Represents a Windows checkbox control supporting data binding to data source fields of Boolean, String, or Integer types. |
| C1ColorPicker | Represents a Windows color picker control supporting additional visual styles. |
| C1ColorPickerDropDownForm | Represents drop down color picker form. |
| C1ComboBox | Represents a composite control combining a textbox and a drop-down item list. |
| C1DateEdit | This is a legacy control; use C1.Win.Calendar.C1DateEdit instead. |
| C1DbNavigator | Represents a data bound control supporting convenient navigation over data source rows and common data actions such as updating the data source and refreshing data. |
| C1DropDownControl | Represents a base drop-down control supporting up/down buttons. |
| C1FontPicker | Represents a Windows font picker control supporting additional visual styles. |
| C1FontPickerDropDownForm | Represents drop down font picker form. |
| C1InputStrings | |
| C1Label | Represents a Windows read-only data bound control displaying formatted data. |
| C1NumericEdit | Represents a composite control combining a NumericUpDown and a drop-down calculator for easy numeric values editing. |
| C1PictureBox | Represents a Windows PictureBox control supporting data binding to data source fields containing image data. |
| C1RangeSlider | Represents a Windows range slider control supporting additional visual styles. |
| C1RangeSlider.RangeSliderStyleCollection | Represents a collection of named Style objects. |
| C1RangeSlider.RangeSliderStyleCollection.BarStyleCollection | Represents a collection of named Style objects for bar. |
| C1RangeSlider.RangeSliderStyleCollection.ThumbStyleCollection | Represents a collection of named Style objects for thumb. |
| C1SplitButton | Represents a composite button control supporting additional visual styles and drop down item list. |
| C1TextBox | The main data bound control used for entering and editing information in a text form. Supports data formatting for all data types, including special features for date-time formats. Also supports edit mask, data validation and other features. |
| CharHelper | Provides a set of static methods to work with Japanese encodings. |
| ComboBoxItemList | Represents collection of C1ComboBox drop down items. |
| ComboBoxStyle | Style for drop down form and combobox items. |
| CultureInfoSetupEventArgs | Provides data for a CultureInfoSetup event. |
| CustomPlaceholder | Custom user-defined characters (placeholders) used in edit mask and in wildcard patterns in pre-validation |
| DataSourceException | An exception thrown by C1Input when a control's Value property is set, but the new value is rejected by the data source, setting the data field to that value is cancelled by the data source throwing an exception. |
| DateEditMonthCalendar | Represents drop down calendar. |
| DropDownCalculator | Represents the class of dropdown calculator form. |
| DropDownCalendar | Represents drop down calendar form. |
| DropDownClosedEventArgs | Provides data for a DropDownClosed event. |
| DropDownForm | Base class for custom dropdown forms. |
| DropDownItem | Represents drop down item for C1SplitButton control. |
| DropDownItemClickedEventArgs | Provides data for C1SplitButton.DropDownItemClicked event. |
| DropDownItemCollection | Represents collection of drop down items. |
| DropDownItemStyle | The DropDownItemStyle class represents the styles for the DropDownItem component. |
| ErrorInfo | Settings affecting error handling. |
| FindTypeByName | |
| FormatErrorEventArgs | Provides data for a FormatError event. |
| FormatEventArgs | Provides data for Formatting or Formatted events. |
| FormatInfo | Settings for data formatting, converting data to string. |
| JapaneseEraHelper | Helper static class that contains AddJapaneseEra function. |
| Margins | Represents the four margins around a control’s content. |
| MaskInfo | Contains edit mask settings. |
| NavigatorAddingEventArgs | Provides data for a Adding event. |
| NavigatorBeforeActionEventArgs | Provides data for a BeforeAction event. |
| NavigatorButtonClickEventArgs | Provides data for a ButtonClick event. |
| NavigatorDeletingEventArgs | Provides data for a Deleting event. |
| NavigatorEditingEventArgs | Provides data for a Editing event. |
| NavigatorErrorEventArgs | Provides data for an Error event. |
| NullableDateTimeEventArgs | Provides data for DateValueChanged and DateValueSelected events. |
| NumericEditCalculator | The calculator used as a dropdown in the C1NumericEdit control. |
| ParseEventArgs | Provides data for Parsing or Parsed events. |
| ParseInfo | Contains settings affecting parsing, that is, converting a string to the required data type. |
| PlaceholderCollection | A collection of CustomPlaceholder objects. |
| PostValidation | Validating the typed value after parsing, after the input string has been converted to the DataType. |
| PostValidationEventArgs | Provides data for PostValidating or PostValidated events. |
| PreValidation | Validating the input string entered by the user, before parsing. |
| PreValidationEventArgs | Provides data for PreValidating or PreValidated events. |
| TooltipShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the C1ComboBox.TooltipShowing event. |
| TranslateValues | Translates between string values and check box states. |
| UIStrings | Represents a collection of end user visible UI strings. |
| UIStringsItemEventArgs | Provides data for an UIStrings item related event. |
| UpDownButtonClickEventArgs | Provides data for a UpDownButtonClick event. |
| ValidationErrorEventArgs | Provides data for a ValidationError event. |
| ValidationException | An exception that follows the ValidationError event if ValidationErrorEventArgs.ErrorInfo is set to ErrorActionEnum.ThrowException. |
| ValueInterval | An interval in a collection of intervals of possible values used in post-validation. |
| ValueIntervalCollection | A collection of ValueInterval objects used by a PostValidation object. The collection is used if the Validation = PostValidationTypeEnum.ValuesAndIntervals or if the user calls the ValidateValuesAndIntervals method. |