MultiSelect for WinForms
MaxDropDownItems プロパティ (C1ComboBox)

C1.Win.C1Input.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Input 名前空間 > C1ComboBox クラス : MaxDropDownItems プロパティ
Gets or sets the maximum number of items to be shown in the drop-down portion of the C1ComboBox.
Public Property MaxDropDownItems As System.Integer
public MaxDropDownItems {get; set;}

When MaxDropDownItems is 0, the height of DropDown is half of screen height.

If MaxDropDownItems does not fit screen height then the result height fit the maximum available space on screen.

The default height of item is height of first item of the C1ComboBox.


C1ComboBox クラス
C1ComboBox メンバ