MultiSelect for WinForms
DropDownStyle プロパティ (C1DropDownControl)

C1.Win.C1Input.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Input 名前空間 > C1DropDownControl クラス : DropDownStyle プロパティ
Gets or sets the style of the combo box.
Public Property DropDownStyle As DropDownStyle
public DropDownStyle DropDownStyle {get; set;}
The DropDownStyle property specifies whether the text portion can be edited.

If the value is Default, the text is editable and the dropdown list is displayed by clicking the down arrow.

If the value is DropDownList, the text is not editable and the dropdown list is displayed by clicking any part of the control.


C1DropDownControl クラス
C1DropDownControl メンバ