MultiSelect for WinForms
CharType 列挙体

C1.Win.C1Input.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Input 名前空間 : CharType 列挙体
Defines the category of a Unicode character.
Public Enum CharType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum CharType : System.Enum 
ControlIndicates that the character is a control code.
FarEastPunctationIndicates that the character is a CJK punctuation.
FullWidthIndicates that the character is of full width.
HangulIndicates that the character is a Hangal character.
HiraganaIndicates that the character is a Japanese Hiragana character.
KatakanaIndicates that the character is a Japanese Katakana character.
LowerCaseIndicates that the character is a lower case letter.
MathSymbolIndicates that the character is a mathematical symbol.
NumericIndicates that the character is a numeric digit.
OtherCharIndicates that the character is not of a particular category.
PunctuationIndicates that the character is a punctuation. ( Open & Close )
SpaceIndicates that the character is a space character.
SymbolIndicates that the character is a symbol.
UpperCaseIndicates that the character is an upper case letter.



C1.Win.C1Input 名前空間