パブリック プロパティ
| 名前 | 解説 |
| AutoTabWhenFilled | If True, focus automatically moves to the next control when the mask is filled. |
| CaseSensitive | True if comparison with mask literals is case-sensitive; otherwise, False. |
| Content | Text entered by the user without literals (mask literals stripped). |
| CopyWithLiterals | If True, text copied to the clipboard includes literals. |
| CustomPlaceholders | The collection of user-defined mask characters. |
| EditablePositionCount | Returns the number of editable positions in the edit mask. |
| EditMask | The edit mask string restricting user input. |
| EffectiveText | Text in a readable format, with literals and without blanks. |
| EmptyAsNull | If True, empty strings are interpreted as null values (DbNull). |
| ErrorMessage | Error message shown in the standard message box and/or if an exception occurs. |
| Inherit | Manages inheritance of the MaskInfo properties from the host control properties. |
| IsRegexpPatternRecognized | Gets a value indicates whether the mask pattern in regular expression style was succesfully recognized or not. |
| PromptChar | Character displayed on empty mask positions in edit mode. |
| RegexpEditMask | A System.String representing the mask in regular expression style with custom keywords. |
| RegexpMaskType | Gets ot sets a value that indicate RegexpMaskType of the mask in regular expression style. |
| SaveBlanks | If True, the stored text includes blank positions as StoredEmptyChar. |
| SaveLiterals | If True (default), the stored text includes literals. |
| ShowLiterals | Literal display method. |
| SkipOptional | If True (default), optional mask positions are automatically skipped until the first position allowing the typed character. |
| StoredContent | The stored string obtained from the user input string. |
| StoredEmptyChar | Character stored in empty mask positions. |
パブリック メソッド
| 名前 | 解説 |
| CreateObjRef | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 |
| GetContent | Returns the string containing characters entered by the user, including those on optional positions that were left blank (skipped). |
| GetDisplayText | Returns a string formatted for display using edit mask. |
| GetLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 |
| GetStoredText | Returns the string that will be stored in the database, in accordance with current values of SaveLiterals, SaveBlanks and StoredEmptyChar properties. |
| InitializeLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 |
| IsMaskedMode | Returns True if EditMask is non-empty and the control is in edit mode. |
| IsValid | Returns True if the input string is valid with respect to the edit mask. |
| Reset | Resets whole MaskInfo property of base control |
| ResetContent | Resets the text to the string representing a DBNull value. |