MultiSelect for WinForms
FontBuilder コンストラクタ

C1.Win.Input.6 アセンブリ > C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi 名前空間 > FontBuilder クラス : FontBuilder コンストラクタ
Initialize a new FontBuilder from a Font  
Initialize a new FontBuilder  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName and height  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family and height  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family, height and fontStyle  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family, height and fontStyle  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family, height and fontStyle  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family, height and fontStyle  
Initialize a new FontBuilder by special faceName, family, height and fontStyle  

FontBuilder クラス
FontBuilder メンバ