MultiSelect for WinForms
SetClip メソッド

C1.Win.Input.6 アセンブリ > C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi 名前空間 > Graphics クラス : SetClip メソッド
Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the result of the Replace combining the current clip region and the specified Region object.
Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the result of the Replace combining the current clip region and the specified Region object.  
Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the rectangle specified by a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure.  
Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the result of the specified operation combining the current clip region and the rectangle specified by a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure.  
Sets the clipping region of this Graphics object to the result of the specified operation combining the current clip region and the specified Region object.  

Graphics クラス
Graphics メンバ