名前 | 解説 | |
Clone | オーバーライドされます。 Creates an exact copy if this Region object. | |
Complement | オーバーロードされます。 Updates this Region object to contain the portion of the specified System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that does not intersect with this Region object. | |
CreateChordRegion | Creates a chord region (a region bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and a line segment, called a secant). | |
CreateEllipseRegion | Create a ellipse region. | |
CreatePieRegion | Create a pie region. | |
CreatePolygonRegion | オーバーロードされます。 Create a polygons region from the point array which defines the vertices of the polygon. | |
CreateRoundedRectangleRegion | Creates a rectangular Region with rounded corners. | |
Dispose | Releases all resources used by this GdiObject object. C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi.GdiObjectから継承されます。 | |
Equals | オーバーロードされます。 Tests whether the specified Region object is identical to this Region object. | |
Exclude | オーバーロードされます。 Updates this Region object to the portion of its interior that does not intersect with the specified System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. | |
FromGdiplusRegion | Create a new gdi region that is same as the gdi+ region. | |
GetBounds | Gets a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that represents a rectangle that bounds this Region object. | |
GetData | Retieves the rectangle information that makes up this instance of the Region object. | |
GetLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 | |
InitializeLifetimeService | System.MarshalByRefObjectから継承されます。 | |
Intersect | オーバーロードされます。 Updates this Region object to the intersection of itself with the specified System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. | |
IsEmpty | Tests whether this Region object has an empty interior. | |
IsVisible | オーバーロードされます。 Tests whether the specified System.Drawing.Point structure is contained within this Region object. | |
MakeEmpty | Initializes this Region object to an empty interior. | |
Scan | Returns an array of System.Drawing.Rectangle structures that approximate this Region object. | |
ToGdiplusRegion | Creates a new gdi+ System.Drawing.Region object from the gdi Region object. | |
Translate | Offsets the coordinates of this Region object by the specified amount. | |
Union | オーバーロードされます。 Updates this Region object to the union of itself and the specified System.Drawing.Rectangle structure. | |
Xor | オーバーロードされます。 Updates this Region object to the union minus the intersection of itself with the specified System.Drawing.Rectangle strcuture. |