PrintDocument for WinForms
PrintPreview ライブラリ > 設計時のサポート

The components and controls in the PrintPreview library comes with smart tags that represent a short-cut Tasks menu about the most commonly-used properties in each control. The PreviewPane, PreviewTextSearchPanel, Preview Outline View, ThumbnailView and PrintPreviewControl controls offer smart tag support at design-time so you can easily access their properties and configure them.

We will cover the smart tags for each control in the following sections:

Preview Pane

In PreviewPane Tasks menu, you can quickly and easily dock the PrintPreview control in the parent container and access the Localize dialog box.

To access the PrintPreview Tasks menu, click the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the control.

The PreviewPane Tasks menu operates as follows:

Text Search Panel

In PreviewTextSearchPanel Tasks menu, you can quickly and easily dock the TextSearchPanel control in the parent container and access the Localize dialog box.

To access the TextSearchPanel Tasks menu, click the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the control.

 The TextSearchPanel Tasks menu operates as follows:

Outline View

In PreviewOutlineView Tasks menu, you can quickly and easily dock the Outline View control in the parent container and access the Localize dialog box.

To access the Outline View Tasks menu, click the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the control.

 The PreviewOutlineView Tasks menu operates as follows:

Thumbnail View

In ThumbnailView Tasks menu, you can quickly and easily dock the ThumbnailView control in the parent container and access the Localize dialog box.

To access the ThumbnailView Tasks menu, click the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the control.

 The ThumbnailView Tasks menu operates as follows:

Print Preview Control

In C1PrintPreviewControl Tasks menu, you can quickly and easily dock the PrintPreview control in the parent container and access the Localize dialog box.

To access the PrintPreview Tasks menu, click the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the control.

The C1PrintPreviewControl Tasks menu operates as follows: