ComponentOne for WinUI 製品ヘルプ
コントロール > Accordion > クイックスタート

The following quick start guide is intended to get you up and running with the Accordion control. In this quick start, you'll start with creating a new WinUI application, add the Accordion control to it, and then add items in the content area of the control.

The following GIF displays the Accordion control in action.

WinUI Accordion control

Create a WinUI Application and add References

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new WinUI App. For detailed steps, see Configure WinUI Application.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, right click Dependencies and select Manage NuGet Packages.
  3. In NuGet Package Manager, select as the Package source.
  4. Search and select the following package and click Install.
    • C1.WinUI.Accordion
    • C1.WinUI.Core
    • C1.WinUI.Calendar

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Configure the Accordion control

  1. Declare the namespace using the following code in XAML:
  2. Add the Accordion control and style property setters for the control and its content inside <Grid></Grid> tag, using the following code:
        <Style x:Key="ExpanderStyle" TargetType="c1:C1Expander">
            <Setter Property="Margin" Value="3"/>
            <Setter Property="HeaderStyle">
                    <Style TargetType="core:C1ToggleButton">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="BurlyWood"/>
                        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"/>
                        <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"/>
                        <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="8"/>
    <!--Accordion コントロール-->
    <c1:C1Accordion x:Name="accordion" Width="300" Margin="25"></c1:C1Accordion>
  3. Add four Expander controls with items, namely three ListView controls and a Calendar, to the Accordion by adding the following code between the <c1:C1Accordion> and</c1:C1Accordion> tag.
    <c1:C1Expander Header="Mail" Style="{StaticResource ExpanderStyle}">
            <ListViewItem Content="All Items"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Inbox"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Drafts"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Sent Items"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Deleted Items"/>
    <c1:C1Expander Header="Calendar" Style="{StaticResource ExpanderStyle}">
        <calendar:C1Calendar Background="Beige" VerticalAlignment="Top" DayOfWeekFormat="d" Margin="4"/>
    <c1:C1Expander Header="Contacts" Style="{StaticResource ExpanderStyle}">
            <ListViewItem Content="John Smith"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Bob Martin"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Ricky Dylan"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Joey Martin"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="James Geller"/>
    <c1:C1Expander Header="Tasks" Style="{StaticResource ExpanderStyle}">
            <ListViewItem Content="All Tasks"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Completed Tasks"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Active Tasks"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Overdue Tasks"/>
            <ListViewItem Content="Halted Tasks"/>

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Build and Run the Project

  1. Click Build | Build Solution to build the project.
  2. Press F5 to run the project.

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