パブリック メソッド
| 名前 | 解説 |
| GetIndexBuffer | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IAGetIndexBuffer([Out, Optional] ID3D11Buffer** pIndexBuffer,[Out, Optional] DXGI_FORMAT* Format,[Out, Optional] unsigned int* Offset) |
| GetInputLayout | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IAGetInputLayout([Out] ID3D11InputLayout** ppInputLayout) |
| GetPrimitiveTopology | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IAGetPrimitiveTopology([Out] D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY* pTopology) |
| GetVertexBuffers | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IAGetVertexBuffers([In] unsigned int StartSlot,[In] unsigned int NumBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] ID3D11Buffer** ppVertexBuffers,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pStrides,[Out, Buffer, Optional] unsigned int* pOffsets) |
| SetIndexBuffer | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetIndexBuffer([In, Optional] ID3D11Buffer* pIndexBuffer,[In] DXGI_FORMAT Format,[In] unsigned int Offset) |
| SetInputLayout | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetInputLayout([In, Optional] ID3D11InputLayout* pInputLayout) |
| SetPrimitiveTopology | void ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetPrimitiveTopology([In] D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY Topology) |
| SetVertexBuffers | オーバーロードされます。 Bind a single vertex buffer to the input-assembler stage. |