Reports for WPF
C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Maps 名前空間
C1.WPF.C1Report.CustomFields.4 アセンブリ : C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Maps 名前空間
クラスProvides functionality that allows to use the C1.WPF.Maps.C1Maps control to generate maps in reports. C1Mapper
クラスAbstract base class used for the GeocoderGoogle and GeocoderBing classes.
クラスGeocoder that uses Bing geocoding services.
クラスGeocoder that uses Google geocoding services.
クラスAs of Jan 2015, this does not work anymore.
クラスRepresents a KmlItemStyle built into a KML layer.
クラスRepresents a LineStyle built into a LinesLayer. Hides the style's Name as it cannot be used to reference an inline style.
クラスRepresents a MarkerStyle built into a PointsLayer. Hides the style's Name as it cannot be used to reference an inline style.
クラスRepresents a style used to render KML items on a map.
クラスRepresents a collection of KmlItemStyle elements.
クラスRepresents a map layer containing KML spatial data.
クラスSpecialized editor for specifying KML/KMZ files.
クラスAbstract base class for map layer classes.
クラスRepresents a collection of map layers.
クラスRepresents a map legend - an area on a C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Map containing a list of items derived from LegendItemBase. The following item types are supported:
  • Represents a map layer or layer style. Shows the layer's marker or line, and a descriptive text (the layer's caption by default).
  • Shows a color swatch, and a descriptive text.
  • Shows an arbitrary text.
クラスRepresents a collection of map legends (Legend).
クラスRepresents a color swatch legend item. Shows a colored swatch along with some descriptive text.
クラスAbstract base class for types representing items in a map legend.
クラスRepresents a collection of map legend items (types derived from LegendItemBase).
クラスRepresents a legend item describing a map layer or a layer style.

The layer may belong to a different map in the report. This may be used to place a legend outside the map's bounds for instance.

If no layer or style is associated with the legend item, arbitrary markers, colors etc may be selected.

クラスRepresents a text only legend item. Shows arbitrary text.
クラスRepresents a map layer containing lines, where each line connects two points on the map.
クラスRepresents a style used to render lines on a map.
クラスRepresents a collection of line styles (elements of type LineStyle).
クラスRepresents a collection of elements derived from MapOwnedItemBase.
クラスAbstract base class for types owned by a Map field.
クラスRepresents a map item with a unique immutable key.
クラスAbstract base class for layer style types used in maps.
クラスRepresents a style used to render point markers on a map.
クラスRepresents a collection of marker styles (elements of type MarkerStyle).
クラスRepresents a map layer containing point markers.
クラスMiscellaneous map utility functions.
インターフェースInterface that should be implemented by objects which may be represented in a legend. It exposes properties that enable the legend to draw a representation of the object (such as a layer or a style).
インターフェースInterface for cloneable objects owned by a Map field.
インターフェースAllows the mapper to pull relevant map properties.
構造体Represents a longitude/latitude pair.
デリゲートDelegate called for each KML item as it is loaded from the KML file into the map.
列挙体Enumerates the line dash styles.
列挙体Specifies the kind of a legend item.
列挙体Specifies the kind of graphic shown by a legend item.
列挙体Enumerates the marker shapes.
列挙体Specifies a scale type.
列挙体Enumerates the possible map tile sources.

C1.WPF.C1Report.CustomFields.4 アセンブリ