Reports for WPF
AddingKmlItemDelegate デリゲート

C1.WPF.C1Report.CustomFields.4 アセンブリ > C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Maps 名前空間 : AddingKmlItemDelegate デリゲート
IN/OUT: the item name.
OUT: item stroke color (null uses color specified in the KML data).
OUT: item fill color (null uses color specified in the KML data).
OUT: indicates whether the item's coordinates should be used to auto size/zoom the map.
Delegate called for each KML item as it is loaded from the KML file into the map.
Public Delegate Function AddingKmlItemDelegate( _
   ByRef itemName As System.String, _
   ByRef stroke As System.Nullable(Of Color), _
   ByRef fill As System.Nullable(Of Color), _
   ByRef trackCoords As System.Boolean _
) As System.Boolean
public delegate System.bool AddingKmlItemDelegate( 
   ref System.string itemName,
   out System.Nullable<Color> stroke,
   out System.Nullable<Color> fill,
   out System.bool trackCoords


IN/OUT: the item name.
OUT: item stroke color (null uses color specified in the KML data).
OUT: item fill color (null uses color specified in the KML data).
OUT: indicates whether the item's coordinates should be used to auto size/zoom the map.


True to include an item in the map, false to exclude it.

AddingKmlItemDelegate メンバ
C1.C1Report.CustomFields.Maps 名前空間