Scheduler for WPF
ColumnCount プロパティ (AutoDistributionGrid)

C1.WPF.Schedule アセンブリ > C1.WPF.Schedule 名前空間 > AutoDistributionGrid クラス : ColumnCount プロパティ
Gets or sets a value that determines a number of columns in the AutoDistributionGrid. This is a dependency property.
Public Property ColumnCount As System.Integer
public ColumnCount {get; set;}
Use this property to specify a number of grid columns numerically.

This property value is being kept in sync with a number of items in the System.Windows.Controls.Grid.ColumnDefinitions collection.

If a number of items in the System.Windows.Controls.Grid.ColumnDefinitions collection has been changed then the value of the ColumnCount property is updated automatically.

If a value of the ColumnCount property is changed directly, then items will be added or removed to/from the end of System.Windows.Controls.Grid.ColumnDefinitions collection until its number becomes equal to the new ColumnCount value.


AutoDistributionGrid クラス
AutoDistributionGrid メンバ