Scheduler for WPF
FitCellsOfWidth プロパティ (AutoDistributionGrid)

C1.WPF.Schedule アセンブリ > C1.WPF.Schedule 名前空間 > AutoDistributionGrid クラス : FitCellsOfWidth プロパティ
Allows the forcing of the AutoDistributionGrid to generate cells of the specified width, where a number of columns will be automatically adjusted so as to fully fit a maximum number of cells in a current grid width. The default value is System.Double.NaN. This is a dependency property.
Public Property FitCellsOfWidth As System.Double
public System.double FitCellsOfWidth {get; set;}

Setting FitCellsOfWidth to non Double.NaN value directs grid to automatically create as many columns of the width specified as the property value that can fully fit in the grid's width (but at least one). When grid width is being changed the number of columns is adjusted automatically.


AutoDistributionGrid クラス
AutoDistributionGrid メンバ