Scheduler for WPF
AllowContactsMultiSelection プロパティ (C1SchedulerSettings)

C1.WPF.Schedule アセンブリ > C1.WPF.Schedule 名前空間 > C1SchedulerSettings クラス : AllowContactsMultiSelection プロパティ
Determines whether multiple Contact objects might be assigned to the single Appointment object.
Public Property AllowContactsMultiSelection As System.Boolean
public System.bool AllowContactsMultiSelection {get; set;}


The default value is true.

If both AllowContactsMultiSelection and AllowContactsEditing properties are false, the default Appointment dialog will show ComboBox for selecting single Contact object.

If this property is true, the default Appointment dialog will allow selecting multiple contacts in a separate dialog.


C1SchedulerSettings クラス
C1SchedulerSettings メンバ