Scheduler for WPF
DefaultThemeKey フィールド (C1Scheduler)

C1.WPF.Schedule アセンブリ > C1.WPF.Schedule 名前空間 > C1Scheduler クラス : DefaultThemeKey フィールド
Gets the System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey that references the default theme that is defined for the C1Scheduler control.
Public Shared ReadOnly DefaultThemeKey As System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey
public static readonly System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey DefaultThemeKey
		<ResourceDictionary x:Key="{x:Static c1sched:C1Scheduler.DefaultThemeKey}"
							Source="/C1.WPF.Schedule;component/themes/SchedulerThemes/Office2007/Silver.xaml" />
You can use this read-only static field in XAML by assigning its value to another property value. Specifically, this field's value defines the System.Windows.ComponentResourceKey that is used to look up the default theme. To redefine this theme, reference the DefaultThemeKey by using the x:Static Markup Extension and assign that value as the x:Key Attribute of the new System.Windows.ResourceDictionary object. You can use this field in XAML as an x:Key Attribute of a System.Windows.ResourceDictionary that redefines the theme for the C1Scheduler control.

C1Scheduler クラス
C1Scheduler メンバ