PowerTools MultiRow for Windows Forms 8.0J
HeaderCell クラス
メンバ  使用例 

Public Class HeaderCell 
   Inherits Cell
public class HeaderCell : Cell 




using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

namespace GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.SampleCode
    public class HeaderCellDemo : Form
        private GcMultiRow gcMultiRow1 = new GcMultiRow();

        public static void Main()
            Application.Run(new HeaderCellDemo());

        public HeaderCellDemo()
            this.gcMultiRow1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);
            this.Size = new Size(400, 350);
            this.Text = "HeaderCell Demo";
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Template template1 = new Template();

            ColumnHeaderSection columnHeader1 = CreateColumnHeader();

            template1.Row.Height = 21;

            ColumnFooterSection columnFooter1 = CreateColumnFooter();

            template1.Width = 196;

            gcMultiRow1.Template = template1;
            gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10;
            gcMultiRow1.ViewMode = ViewMode.Row;

        private ColumnHeaderSection CreateColumnHeader()
            ColumnHeaderSection columnHeader1 = new ColumnHeaderSection();
            columnHeader1.Height = 20;

            HeaderCell headerCell1 = new HeaderCell();
            headerCell1.Size = new Size(36, 20);
            //There will exist 4 gutters around the HeaderCell.
            headerCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.All;
            headerCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.None;

            //Click the HeaderCell, all rows will be selelected.
            headerCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.AllRows;

            //Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
            headerCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
            headerCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
            headerCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod;

            ColumnHeaderCell columnHeaderCell1 = new ColumnHeaderCell();
            columnHeaderCell1.Value = "Column1";
            columnHeaderCell1.Size = new Size(80, 20);
            columnHeaderCell1.Location = new Point(headerCell1.Left + headerCell1.Width, 0);
            columnHeaderCell1.Ellipsis = MultiRowEllipsisMode.EllipsisEnd;
            columnHeaderCell1.EllipsisString = "....";

            //The cell's right will draw one gutter.
            columnHeaderCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Right;
            //The cell's bottom will draw hover effect.
            columnHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Bottom;
            //Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
            columnHeaderCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
            columnHeaderCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
            columnHeaderCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod;
            columnHeaderCell1.Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue;

            ColumnHeaderCell columnHeaderCell2 = columnHeaderCell1.Clone() as ColumnHeaderCell;
            columnHeaderCell2.Location = new Point(columnHeaderCell1.Left + columnHeaderCell1.Width, 0);
            columnHeaderCell2.Value = "Column2";

            columnHeader1.Cells.AddRange(new Cell[] { headerCell1, columnHeaderCell1, columnHeaderCell2 });

            return columnHeader1;

        private ColumnFooterSection CreateColumnFooter()
            ColumnFooterSection columnFooter1 = new ColumnFooterSection();
            columnFooter1.Height = 20;

            HeaderCell headerCell1 = new HeaderCell();
            headerCell1.Size = new Size(36, 20);
            //There will exist 4 gutters around the HeaderCell.
            headerCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.All;
            //The hover effect will not be drawn.
            headerCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.None;
            headerCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.AllRows;

            HeaderCell headerCell2 = new HeaderCell();
            headerCell2.Size = new Size(80, 21);
            headerCell2.Location = new Point(headerCell1.Left + headerCell1.Width, 0);
            //The cell's right will draw one gutter.
            headerCell2.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Right;
            //The cell's top will draw hover effect.
            headerCell2.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Top;
            headerCell2.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.IntersectedCells;

            HeaderCell headerCell3 = headerCell2.Clone() as HeaderCell;
            headerCell3.Location = new Point(headerCell2.Left + headerCell2.Width, 0);

            columnFooter1.Cells.AddRange(new Cell[] { headerCell1, headerCell2, headerCell3 });

            return columnFooter1;

        private Cell[] CreateCellsInRow()
            RowHeaderCell rowHeaderCell1 = new RowHeaderCell();
            rowHeaderCell1.Size = new Size(36, 21);
            rowHeaderCell1.ValueFormat = "1";
            //The cell's bottom will draw one gutter.
            rowHeaderCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Bottom;
            //The cell's right will draw hover effect.
            rowHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Right;

            //Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
            rowHeaderCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
            rowHeaderCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
            rowHeaderCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod;
            rowHeaderCell1.Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue;

            TextBoxCell textBoxCell1 = new TextBoxCell();
            textBoxCell1.Size = new Size(80, 21);
            textBoxCell1.Location = new Point(rowHeaderCell1.Left + rowHeaderCell1.Width, 0);

            TextBoxCell textBoxCell2 = textBoxCell1.Clone() as TextBoxCell;
            textBoxCell2.Location = new Point(textBoxCell1.Left + textBoxCell1.Width, 0);

            Cell[] cells = new Cell[] { rowHeaderCell1, textBoxCell1, textBoxCell2 };

            return cells;
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow

Public Class HeaderCellDemo
    Inherits Form
    Private gcMultiRow1 As New GcMultiRow()

    <STAThreadAttribute()> _
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New HeaderCellDemo())
    End Sub

    Public Sub New()
        Me.gcMultiRow1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        Me.Size = New Size(400, 350)
        Me.Text = "HeaderCell Demo"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim template1 As New Template()

        Dim columnHeader1 As ColumnHeaderSection = CreateColumnHeader()

        template1.Row.Height = 21

        Dim columnFooter1 As ColumnFooterSection = CreateColumnFooter()

        template1.Width = 196

        gcMultiRow1.Template = template1
        gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 10
        gcMultiRow1.ViewMode = ViewMode.Row
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateColumnHeader() As ColumnHeaderSection
        Dim columnHeader1 As New ColumnHeaderSection()
        columnHeader1.Height = 20

        Dim headerCell1 As New HeaderCell()
        headerCell1.Size = New Size(36, 20)
        'There will exist 4 gutters around the HeaderCell.
        headerCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.All
        headerCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.None

        'Click the HeaderCell, all rows will be selelected.
        headerCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.AllRows

        'Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
        headerCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard
        headerCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
        headerCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod

        Dim columnHeaderCell1 As New ColumnHeaderCell()
        columnHeaderCell1.Value = "Column1"
        columnHeaderCell1.Size = New Size(80, 20)
        columnHeaderCell1.Location = New Point(headerCell1.Left + headerCell1.Width, 0)
        columnHeaderCell1.Ellipsis = MultiRowEllipsisMode.EllipsisEnd
        columnHeaderCell1.EllipsisString = "...."

        'The cell's right will draw one gutter.
        columnHeaderCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Right
        'The cell's bottom will draw hover effect.
        columnHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Bottom
        'Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
        columnHeaderCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard
        columnHeaderCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
        columnHeaderCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod
        columnHeaderCell1.Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue

        Dim columnHeaderCell2 As ColumnHeaderCell = TryCast(columnHeaderCell1.Clone(), ColumnHeaderCell)
        columnHeaderCell2.Location = New Point(columnHeaderCell1.Left + columnHeaderCell1.Width, 0)
        columnHeaderCell2.Value = "Column2"

        columnHeader1.Cells.AddRange(New Cell() {headerCell1, columnHeaderCell1, columnHeaderCell2})

        Return columnHeader1
    End Function

    Private Function CreateColumnFooter() As ColumnFooterSection
        Dim columnFooter1 As New ColumnFooterSection()
        columnFooter1.Height = 20

        Dim headerCell1 As New HeaderCell()
        headerCell1.Size = New Size(36, 20)
        'There will exist 4 gutters around the HeaderCell.
        headerCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.All
        'The hover effect will not be drawn.
        headerCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.None
        headerCell1.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.AllRows

        Dim headerCell2 As New HeaderCell()
        headerCell2.Size = New Size(80, 21)
        headerCell2.Location = New Point(headerCell1.Left + headerCell1.Width, 0)
        'The cell's right will draw one gutter.
        headerCell2.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Right
        'The cell's top will draw hover effect.
        headerCell2.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Top
        headerCell2.SelectionMode = MultiRowSelectionMode.IntersectedCells

        Dim headerCell3 As HeaderCell = TryCast(headerCell2.Clone(), HeaderCell)
        headerCell3.Location = New Point(headerCell2.Left + headerCell2.Width, 0)

        columnFooter1.Cells.AddRange(New Cell() {headerCell1, headerCell2, headerCell3})

        Return columnFooter1
    End Function

    Private Function CreateCellsInRow() As Cell()
        Dim rowHeaderCell1 As New RowHeaderCell()
        rowHeaderCell1.Size = New Size(36, 21)
        rowHeaderCell1.ValueFormat = "1"
        'The cell's bottom will draw one gutter.
        rowHeaderCell1.GutterStyles = GutterStyles.Bottom
        'The cell's right will draw hover effect.
        rowHeaderCell1.HoverDirection = HoverDirection.Right

        'Use the CellStyle.BackColor to draw the HeaderCell's background, don's use the Vistual Style back color.
        rowHeaderCell1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard
        rowHeaderCell1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
        rowHeaderCell1.Style.BackColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod
        rowHeaderCell1.Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.LightBlue

        Dim textBoxCell1 As New TextBoxCell()
        textBoxCell1.Size = New Size(80, 21)
        textBoxCell1.Location = New Point(rowHeaderCell1.Left + rowHeaderCell1.Width, 0)

        Dim textBoxCell2 As TextBoxCell = TryCast(textBoxCell1.Clone(), TextBoxCell)
        textBoxCell2.Location = New Point(textBoxCell1.Left + textBoxCell1.Width, 0)

        Dim cells As Cell() = New Cell() {rowHeaderCell1, textBoxCell1, textBoxCell2}

        Return cells
    End Function
End Class



HeaderCell メンバ
GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 名前空間
RowHeaderCell クラス
ColumnHeaderCell クラス
CornerHeaderCell クラス



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