PowerTools PlusPak for Windows Forms 8.0J
ShowSeparator プロパティ

Public Property ShowSeparator As Boolean
public bool ShowSeparator {get; set;}


private void InitializeComboFrameDropDowSettings()
    // Sets the AutoDropDown to true to open the gcComboFrame1's drop-down window automatically
    // after the control gets focus.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.AutoDropDown = true;

    // Set drop-down windows's size .
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.Size = new Size(this.gcComboFrame1.Width, 100);

    // Set AllowResize to true to enable user UI resizes the drop-down window by sizing grip.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.AllowResize = true;

    // Opens the drop-down window from the below-right of gcComboFrame1.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.DropDownDirection = DropDownDirection.BelowRight;

    // Set the opening and closing animation for the drop-down window.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade;
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade;

    // Hide the separator between the content of the drop-down window and the resizing grip.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ShowSeparator = false;

    // Sets the BorderStyle of the drop-down window.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

    // Sets the color of the border of drop-down window.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.SingleBorderColor = Color.Black;

    // Enables the shadow effect of the drop-down window.
    this.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ShowShadow = true;
Private Sub InitializeComboFrameDropDowSettings()
    ' Sets the AutoDropDown to true to open the gcComboFrame1's drop-down window automatically
    ' after the control gets focus.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.AutoDropDown = True

    ' Set drop-down windows's size .
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.Size = New Size(Me.gcComboFrame1.Width, 100)

    ' Set AllowResize to true to enable user UI resizes the drop-down window by sizing grip.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.AllowResize = True

    ' Opens the drop-down window from the below-right of gcComboFrame1.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.DropDownDirection = DropDownDirection.BelowRight

    ' Set the opening and closing animation for the drop-down window.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade

    ' Hide the separator between the content of the drop-down window and the resizing grip.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ShowSeparator = False

    ' Sets the BorderStyle of the drop-down window.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

    ' Sets the color of the border of drop-down window.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.SingleBorderColor = Color.Black

    ' Enables the shadow effect of the drop-down window.
    Me.gcComboFrame1.DropDownSettings.ShowShadow = True
End Sub

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2


ComboFrameDropDownSettings クラス
ComboFrameDropDownSettings メンバ

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