JavaScript |
// 組み込みの数式を使用してシェイプを追加します。 window.onload = function () { sheet.name("BuiltInShape"); GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.AutoShapeType.oval, 100, 50, 100, 150); }; |
JavaScript |
// アクティブシートを取得します。 var activeSheet = spread.getSheet(0); activeSheet.setArray(0, 0, [ ["x", 10], ["y", 200], ["width", 300], ["height", 140], ["angle", 0], ["background color and tranparency", "red", 0.5], ["border color and width", "blue", 5], ["shape text", "これはデモテキストです。"], ["text font", "15px Georgia"], ["text color", "Yellow"], ]); var shape1 = activeSheet.shapes.add("shape1", GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.AutoShapeType.cloud, 50, 200, 100, 150); var shapeStyle = shape1.style(); shapeStyle.fill.color = '=Sheet1!B6'; shape1.style(shapeStyle); // setFormulaメソッドを使用して、シェイプの幅と高さを設定します。 shape1.setFormula("x", "=Sheet1!B1"); shape1.setFormula("y", "=Sheet1!B2"); shape1.setFormula("width", "=Sheet1!B3"); shape1.setFormula("height", "=Sheet1!B4"); shape1.setFormula("rotate", "=Sheet1!B5"); shape1.setFormula("text", "=Sheet1!B8"); shape1.setFormula("style.fill.color", "=Sheet1!B6"); shape1.setFormula("style.fill.transparency", "=Sheet1!C6"); shape1.setFormula("style.line.color", "=Sheet1!B7"); shape1.setFormula("style.line.width", "=Sheet1!C7"); shape1.setFormula("style.textEffect.font", "=Sheet1!B9"); shape1.setFormula("style.textEffect.color", "=Sheet1!B10"); // getFormulaメソッドを使用して、シェイプの幅と高さを設定するために使用される数式を返します。 console.log("幅の数式 : " + shape1.getFormula("width")); console.log("高さの数式 : " + shape1.getFormula("height")); // シェイプの幅と高さの値を返すためにシェイプの属性を使用します。 console.log("幅の値: ", shape1.width()); console.log("高さの値: ", shape1.height()); activeSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 280); activeSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 100); for (var i = 2; i < 8; i++) activeSheet.setColumnWidth(i, 70); |
JavaScript |
// カスタム数式を使用してシェイプを追加します。 window.onload = function () { sheet.name("CustomShape"); ["background color and tranparency", "green", 0.5], ["border color and width", "blue", 0], ["shape text", "これはカスタムシェイプのデモテキストです。"], createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.HorizontalAlign, 2)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.PresetLineDashStyle)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.LineJoinStyle)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadStyle)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadStyle)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadLength)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadLength)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadWidth)); createComboCellType(GC.Spread.Sheets.Shapes.ArrowheadWidth)); var model = { { "=CustomShape!C19", lengthType: "=CustomShape!D19" "=CustomShape!F19", lengthType: "=CustomShape!G19" } { { { { { "=CustomShape!B13", // (0: top, 1: center, 2: bottom) "=CustomShape!B12", // (0: left, 1: center, 2: right) "=CustomShape!B14", //f "vertical", "rotate90", "rotate270" { left: "=controls.0.x", top: 20, bottom: "=height - 20", right: "=width - variables.xOffset" }}; }; function createComboCellType(enumType, max) { { { ({ |
JavaScript |
// アクティブシートを取得します。 var activeSheet = spread.getSheet(0); activeSheet.name("CustomShape"); // データを設定します。 activeSheet.setArray(0, 0, [ ["left", 480], ["top", 60], ["width", 300], ["height", 240], ["angle"], ["background color and tranparency", "green", 0.5], ["border color and width", "blue", 0], ["shape text", "これはカスタムシェイプのデモテキストです。"], ["text font", "15px Georgia"], ["text color", "red"], ["margins", 1, 2, 3, 4], ["horizontalAlignment", 1], ["verticalAlignment", 1], ["textDirection", "horizontal"], ["allowTextToOverflowShape", false], ["wrapTextInShape", true], ["line width", 3], ["line style", 5, "capType", 2, "joinType", 1], ["endPoints", 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2], ]); activeSheet.setFormula(4, 1, "=ROW(CustomShape!B10)"); var model = { left: "=CustomShape!B1", top: "=CustomShape!B2", width: "=CustomShape!B3", height: "=CustomShape!B4", angle: "=CustomShape!B5", options: { endPoints: { beginArrow: { type: "=CustomShape!B19", widthType: "=CustomShape!C19", lengthType: "=CustomShape!D19" }, endArrow: { type: "=CustomShape!E19", widthType: "=CustomShape!F19", lengthType: "=CustomShape!G19" } }, fill: { type: 1, // 単色による塗りつぶしです(現時点では単色塗りつぶしのみがサポートされます)。 color: "=CustomShape!B6", transparency: "=CustomShape!C6" }, stroke: { type: 1, // 単色による塗りつぶしです(現時点では単色塗りつぶしのみがサポートされます)。 color: "=CustomShape!B7", transparency: "=CustomShape!C7", width: "=CustomShape!B17", lineStyle: "=CustomShape!B18", capType: "=CustomShape!D18", joinType: "=CustomShape!F18" }, textFormatOptions: { text: "=CustomShape!B8", // "シェイプのテキスト", font: "=CustomShape!B9", // "bold 15px Georgia", // CSSではフォントとズームに関連するコードを更新します。 fill: { type: 1, // 単色による塗りつぶしです(現時点では単色塗りつぶしのみがサポートされます)。 color: "=CustomShape!B10" }, margins: { left: "=CustomShape!B11", top: "=CustomShape!C11", right: "=CustomShape!D11", bottom: "=CustomShape!E11" }, verticalAlignment: "=CustomShape!B13", // (0: top, 1: center, 2: bottom) horizontalAlignment: "=CustomShape!B12", // (0: left, 1: center, 2: right) textDirection: "=CustomShape!B14", //f "vertical", "rotate90", "rotate270" allowTextToOverflowShape: "=CustomShape!B15", wrapTextInShape: "=CustomShape!B16" } }, variables: { xOffset: 40, yOffset: 10 }, path: [[ ["M", "=controls.0.x", 0], // M: move to (x, y) ["L", "=width - controls.0.x", 0], // L: line to (x, y) ["L", "=width - 2 * variables.xOffset", "=height"], ["L", "=variables.xOffset", "=height"], ["Z"]], // Z: close path [ ["M", "=width - variables.xOffset", "=variables.yOffset"], ["L", "=width", "=variables.yOffset"], ["L", "=width", "=height - 4 * variables.yOffset"], ["L", "=width - variables.xOffset", "=height"] ] ], controls: [ { // 位置と範囲の制限を指定するための数式。デフォルトの位置はここでは (0, 0.2 * width) であり、 // y 範囲は 0 から 0.5*width までとなります。 x: "=BOUND(0.3*width, 0, false, 0, 0.5*width)", y: 0, xBehavior: 0, // x(水平方向)に調整する場合は0、それ以外の場合は1 yBehavior: 1 // y(垂直方向)に調整する場合は0、それ以外の場合は1 } ], connectionPoints: [ { x: "=0.5*width", y: 0 }, { x: "=0.5*controls.0.x", y: "=0.5*height" }, { x: "=0.5*width", y: "=1*height" }, { x: "=width-0.5*controls.0.x", y: "=0.5*height" } ], textRect: { left: "=controls.0.x", top: 20, bottom: "=height - 20", right: "=width - variables.xOffset" } }; var shape2 = activeSheet.shapes.add('shape2', model); // getFormulaメソッドを使用して、カスタムシェイプの幅と高さを設定するために使用される数式を返します。 console.log("幅の数式: " + shape2.getFormula("width")); console.log("高さの数式: " + shape2.getFormula("height")); // シェイプの幅と高さの値を返すためにシェイプの属性を使用します。 console.log("幅の値 ", shape2.width()); console.log("高さの値 ", shape2.height()); // 列幅を設定します。 activeSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 210); activeSheet.setColumnWidth(1, 60); for (var i = 2; i < 6; i++) { activeSheet.setColumnWidth(i, 50); } |