constructor(owner?: FlexSheet, grid?: FlexGrid, sheetName?: string, rows?: number, cols?: number): Sheet
The owner FlexSheet control.
The associated FlexGrid control used to store the sheet data. If not specified then the new FlexGrid control will be created.
The name of the sheet within the FlexSheet control.
The row count for the sheet.
The column count for the sheet.
addTableFromArray(row: number, column: number, array: any[], properties?: string[], tableName?: string, tableStyle?: TableStyle, options?: ITableOptions, shift?: boolean): Table
The row position of the table.
The column position of the table.
The object array load to the table.
It allows to retrieve only a subset of columns from the object of the array. If it is omitted, the table will load all the keys of the object of the array.
The name of the table.
The table style is applied to the table.
The options ITableOptions of the table.
Indicates whether cells beneath the table should be shifted or not. If not specified cells beneath will be shifted.
clear(): void
findTable(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): Table
getCellStyle(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): ICellStyle
the row index of the specified cell.
the column index of the specified cell.
getValidSheetName(currentSheet: T): string
The Sheet need get the valid name.
hide(pos: number): boolean
The position of the sheet to hide.
isValidSheetName(sheet: T): boolean
The Sheet for which the name needs to check.
onNameChanged(e: PropertyChangedEventArgs): void
nameChanged イベントを発生させます。
onSelectedSheetChanged(e: PropertyChangedEventArgs): void
PropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.
onSheetCleared(): void
onSheetNameChanged(e: NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs): void
onSheetVisibleChanged(e: NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs): void
onVisibleChanged(e: EventArgs): void
visibleChanged イベントを発生させます。
push(...item: T[]): number
配列の末尾に1つ以上の項目を追加します。基本クラスObservableArray のpushメソッドをオーバーライドします。
One or more items to add to the array.
show(pos: number): boolean
指定した位置にあるSheet の非表示を解除して選択します。
The position of the sheet to show.
splice(index: number, count: number, ...item: T[]): any[]
項目を配列から削除および/または追加します。基本クラスObservableArray のspliceメソッドをオーバーライドします。
Position where items will be added or removed.
Number of items to remove from the array.
Items to add to the array.
Sheet オブジェクトのコレクションを定義します。